Thursday, October 29, 2009

Loretta Turns 90

Many cousins and friends gathered last Saturday in the home of Mike and Pandora Hauge to celebrate the 90th Birthday of Aunt Loretta. A great time was had by all, but mostly Loretta. Thanks for all who helped make this a great party for Aunt Loretta.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Furneral Arrangements

The funeral will be Wednesday, September 30. 10 a.m. reviewal and 11 a.m. service. It will be held at the First Memorial Funeral Home at 7110 France Ave. So. Phone number is 952.924.4100

Saturday, September 26, 2009

This Great Lady Died Today at 4:02 9/26/09

Just a note to let you know Doris made it through the nite, but around 4:30 a.m. her breathing became more labored and she is sleeping more and talking less when she is aroused for medication. They have up'd the dosage of her meds as she seemed to be in more pain. They worked in shifts for meds, all nite and Tina was even able to get some it is progressing toward the end, but not just yet! I'll let you all know as soon as I know anything. m

Friday, September 25, 2009

Aunt Doris

I am so sorry to tell you that Aunt Doris is in the hospital bleeding internally from a tear in her heart. She has opted not to have surgery and probably will not make it through the day. She is on morphine and resting comfortably. Regina Hospital in Hastings. Janet and I will be going there shortly and will try to keep you all posted.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Update on Loretta

Loretta is in a nursing home trying to build up some strength to go home.........she was having trouble sleeping and then a doc who's not her regular doc gave her valium to sleep and after 8 days she'd used up her whole month's dose (probably sleeping but not thinking she'd slept and taking more valium. etc/////////) so she became very slurred in speech and they put her in the hospital and found that she did have a UTI........but then they also pursued an mri and found that she also has an now she has to see a neurologist to see what to do about that............she still sounds like her speech is a bit slurred and I'm not sure why.....................I told her that we were coming for her birthday celebration and she said "we'd better"! Funny!

Message written by Kathleen, after talking to Michael and Loretta herself. It sounds like she can use some prayers....They will be celebrating her 90th birthday on Oct. 24 in Dublin at Mike's home. All are invited. m

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Double Trouble in Atlanta

Hi -- thought I'd let you know what is going on with Joe. My computer here at work got wiped out and I lost almost all of the families e-mails.

Anyway, last Wednesday Joe failed his stress test so we had to go back in on Thursday for a heart cath. They found a 95% blockage and tried to put a stent in. What should have been a 90 minute procedure turned into almost a 6 hour procedure. They were finally able to get the stent past the blockage. They kept him overnight and then sent him home. He is doing good -- tired, but feeling alright. Someone was really watching over him.

The next morning after we got home they put my Mom in the hospital with really high blood pressure -- 265 over 168. Hard to believe she didn't have a stroke. They adjusted her meds and she is also home and doing good.

Please keep them in your prayers.

Love and Miss everyone -- Sandi

Saturday, June 13, 2009

News from Portage, Wisconsin

Hi Mary
I hope you are having a good late Spring as summer isn't here yet. Will it ever get warm?
John's eye surgery seems to be going good. He can see light - all he will be able to see will be light and shadows but that is a improvement over nothing. This surgery was less painful. It was about 3 hours long. His mood seems better. He is doing his gardening - we have hanging planters! - hope we will have some strawberries soon. We should have about 3 or 4! The deer ate the rest - holpe they enjoyed them. My knee is doing well - almost full range and little pain. I can drive again so we are once more mobile. John only drives around town as his perception is poor. Thank God for our daughter-in-law and neighbers as volunteer drivers.
Take care and have a good summer.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Golfers Needed


If Lloyd is looking for someone to fill out a foursome I would be willing to golf in the event. Let me know.


This is John Bandemer (June's son)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Uncle John can use your Prayers!

I think it is John that needs prayers! We found out yesterday that the retina of his eye is again detaching. He can let the eye shrink and maybe eventually be removed or go through another 3 hour surgery. The surgery may or may not work - hopefully the eye can be saved by reattching the retina and filling the eye with oil and maybe he will be able to see shapes. Then we hope for the retina to stay in place. This is the third surgery since the middle of March. He has what is probably the best retina surgeons in the states. Dr Ip oversaw the last surgeries but will personally do the surgery himself - so he said. The VA suggested he go to the University Hospitals so see IP but he can do the surgery either place so we opted for the University Hosp. This is hard on John - the surgeries and the loss of vision but he keeps plugging along.
I had my knee replaced on May 11 - right knee- so can't drive for another week. John only drives around town with the one eye so we are left at the mercy of our neighbors and Rusty and Chari to get to dr appointments, etc. Anne was with John while I was in the hospital and then Ellen was here for a week after I got home. I'm doing absolutely great.
The procedure I had is only done in 6 centers in the US and is done in a little hosptital 35 miles away by a surgical group from Madison. An MRI is taken of the knee, sent to Belgium and made and then placed in the knee. There is very little pain as the rod doesn't need to inserted into the leg. I was walking the first afternoon. There is a strict exercise program before and after surgery that is set up in the "Knee Manuel". I would certainly suggest this program to anyone having a knee replacement. I still use a cane, but walk really well without it. Knee surgery is usually very painful but this procedure isn't. Every one has a "coach" to help them as there is group PT 2x daily while in the hospital and if you are from a distance, the coach can stay in your room. John was my coach. You have to like white meat chicken because it seemed every meal was that. I don't like white meat chicken!
We're hoping that the summer is better than the Spring. John has been working with his flowers - his hanging gardens. Wants them in shape for a flower show in June. We need some hot sun - he can give them water but not sun!
If you are down this way, stop in. our Uncle needs encouragement!
Our best wishes
John and Florence

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memories of our Vets!

Enjoy a safe Memorial Day. My veteran is recovering well, he's getting a little stronger everyday. Tomorrow we'll see both of his surgeons at the Scripps Green Hospital, so we may just have lunch at the Beach House in Cardiff to celebrate our 11th Anniversary.
For those of you that don't know, Tom received several medals from his service in Vietnam, one was a Purple Heart when he was shot through the chest in August 1967. He returned to Vietnam and served with Special Forces (MACVSOG) and ran secret missions into Laos during the end of the war. They weren't allowed to talk about it for 20 years, so it's only been in recent times that the stories of these veterans have been heard.
Peace and Love, Denise and Tom

My Vet's Gene, Dad and brother Bill, all served well....but none in combat. But still a chance to pause and remember them. Special thoughts for Uncle Art who was killed in WWII....and all the Uncles and cousins who were in the service for us!! m

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Golfers Needed!

Frank & I belong to an organization, Hope Chest News. Each year we have a GOLF fundraiser that brings out the best and the worst golfers wanting to help Heart and Lung Transplant patients. As always we are looking for Golfers July 27th. and donations for our Silent Auction. It looks very promising that our son-in-law Lloyd White, Cathy's husband will be able to play. He needs some more to join him.

This year we have a great RAFFLE also. Don't have to be present to win, 1st. $1000.00, 2nd. $750.00 and 3rd. is $500.00 tickets $5.00 each. We could all use a bit of extra cash.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities please contact me (Judy)
or 952-445-2497

We really would appreciate your help.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Update on Uncle John and Flo

Mary, So glad you sent the link again to the blog. I was thinking about it and like a dumbass I forgot to bookmark it. Oh well.
Not sure how much anyone has heard but there have been a few recent events in the Schieber household. Dad went in for an eye surgery about a month ago and things went wel until he developed a staff infection in the eye. They got the staff infection right away and the drugs worked except that damage was done to the retina limiting his vision. About a week later he developed a pain in his eye and went into the emergency room and his retina had become detached. This let to surgery on the next week to reattach the retina. The surgery went well but he does and will continue to have minimal vision out of that eye. He can make out some shaped and light but that is about the extent of it.
On Monday morning Mom went and had her right knee replaced. She is still in the hospital but things are looking good. An amazing surgery. She has surgery on Monday and they started her walking on Monday evening and therapy on Tuesday. It amazes me how far they have advanced. Mom does not like anesthetics, well general anesthetics, so the surgery was done with a spinal block and valium. She came out from surgery and was alert and talking. A bit drousy from the Valium but all in all things are looking well.
Other than that the family is doing good. Annie was home for the first part of the week and Ellen is coming home on Thursday for a few days until they get settled and a routine going.
I will update again soon. Mike

Tennis Anyone?

Hi Mary,

Can you post in the CC that I will be coming to Minnesota in July and looking to play some tennis if anyone would be interested? Doubles or singles. Would like to do it weekly or even twice a week. I will be up there for 3 weeks. In August, my league starts up again, I don't want to be too rusty.

Cathy White
( I will be staying shakopee with mom and dad)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tom's back Home!

HI Everyone:

One of my happier emails of late. Tom came home from the hospital
yesterday. They had kept him for a couple extra days as his kidney
function wasn't what it should be, but he's doing okay now. It also
appeared that he was getting an infection in the leg that they took
the vein from, so he's getting antibiotics for that. He is so
grateful to be back home and in his own bed, I know it's improving
his spirits already. So far, all looks good with the outcome of his
surgeries, so we're on the road to recovery and better health.

He appreciates the many well wishes and cards that he's received and
because he has been very emotional, it's been hard for him to want to
talk to anyone by phone yet. We are scheduled to go back to Scripps
to see his surgeons this Thursday and Friday and he has a visiting
nurse to check his vitals and for infection. A social worker from
the hospital called today, so we may pay her a visit on Friday also.

Thank you to everyone for your sensitivity and condolences in the
loss of Mike. Tom has been so sad because of it and I know that time
heals, but now that we're home, he'll be better able to grieve and
accept the loss. Last night a small memorial was held for Mike at
the motorcycle club of a family friend, Mike's moms ex-boyfriend,
Ronnie who was like a second father to Mike and his wife wanted to do
it for Mike and for their own closure, so even thought we weren't
there, it seemed like the right thing to do. Mike's uncles will be
holding his ashes until we go back to St Louis.

Love to all and thanks again for keeping us in your thoughts and

Denise and Tom

Friday, May 8, 2009

Tom and Mike Update

HI Everyone:
Tom had his pacemaker surgery today and it was a rather quick
procedure, he was ready to eat about 2 hours later and seems to be
doing fine. He is still having a slight problem with the A
Fibrillation, which they've been correcting with meds, but they
expect that the surgery will be successful in due time. He is
getting some strength back after two sleepless nights and when you
read the rest of the story, you will understand why he couldn't sleep.

Things have been surreal for the past week while we've been dealing
with Tom's heart surgeries, because at the same time as when Tom went
into surgery last Friday, I found out that Mike, his 27 yr old son,
was on life support back in St Louis. I'm going to give you a very
brief explanation of the circumstances, but Tom was already under and
they were starting his surgery when I found out about the situation.
Tom's Dr made the decision that the surgery should go on as Tom's
health was vulnerable and he may not have been able to handle the
situation in St Louis. I was fortunate that my sister, Dar and Bob,
brother-in-law were just arriving from AZ and she has been with me
since. She and Bob were my life savers. To make a very long story
short, Mike was on life support for 3 days from Friday am until
Sunday pm and was removed from life support, as the only activity was
for breathing slightly and he would be institutionalized for life,
his kidneys and liver were gone. Unfortunately, Tom, being his
closest living relative, had to be the one to make the decision to
remove Mike from life support and because Tom was heavily sedated
and was the only decision maker (Mike's mom died about 13 years
ago), things were not only bad for us, but also for the family and
friends that were with Mike during those horrible 3 days at the
hospital in St Louis. I was handling things from the hospital here
and put a few people in charge at the hospital in St Louis, but
because Tom had to make the decision, he had to find out about it,
before it seemed like the right thing to do. It was an apparent drug
overdose. Mike had been telling everyone close to him in St Louis
and us that he was clean from any drugs for at least the past 3
months. I called Kelly, Tom's daughter and Tom's good friend, Bill
DeIuliis in St louis to take care of things for us, as he also knew
Mike quite well, so I knew that Tom would be comfortable with that
decision and would know that Mike was in good hands.

Mike has been cremated and we plan to have a celebration of his life
at a later date, when Tom is healthy enough to travel and can return
to St Louis to get his ashes and grieve with his family and
friends,. Everyone has been so helpful, kind and torn by the
situation, but have also been so concerned about Tom. The only
people that knew in St Louis were those family and friends visiting
and caring for Mike and I waited until after Tom was told about Mike
to tell anyone in my family or any other friends, as I wanted Tom to
be the first to know.

I know that you're reading this and can hardly believe it and that is
exactly how it has been for everyone. We are coming to grips and I'm
anxious for Tom to come home as he will be able to deal with his
emotions here. At the hospital he told me that he can't even get a
good cry going and it's so understandable. When Tom had to make the
decision he had only about 4 hours to absorb the information and had
been under medication so we had to wait until he could be more
coherent. At that point, he asked Dr Hemp, "if you had a son, and
you were faced with this situation, what would you do?" and the Dr
told him that he would discontinue life and Tom said "me too", I
agree", so then his Dr and I called back to St Louis on Tom's behalf.

It will be okay to acknowledge our loss and you may even encourage
Tom to talk about it, but if he doesn't want to, he won't. I don't
think that Tom wants anyone to be blind-sided by the news, and I'm
sorry that I'm sending it by email, but I wanted you to know and in
fact, it may be easier to handle this way. I have spent countless
hours on the phone over the past 10 days relaying information about
Tom and then Mike's situation and death. Mike's death notice will be
in the St Louis Post Dispatch this Sat and Sunday and you can view it

We are hoping that Tom will be coming back home on either Friday or
Saturday and Dar will be going back home to AZ on Sunday. Bob will
be coming back to pick up Dar and also visit with Tom and I. I'm
off work, on leave until May 16th, maybe longer.

Life can really throw us some challenges and heartbreak along the
way. This has truly been a heartbreak and a challenge. Take care of
yourselves and if there is someone that I have failed to tell that
you think would want to know, could you please pass it on. Thanks
you always for your love and support.

Love, Denise

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Results of Judy and Franks Tests!

Hi all,
I just heard from the EMT office and my MRI showed NO tumors, and they have no idea why my hearing loss is so much more in one ear that the other. Yeah !! so unless I have problems before I should check back in a year.
Frank has not heard from Diane his coordinator so his must have been good too. They are waiting for scans from CA so it may take a few days more in order to compare.
So far so good with all are doctor appointments we have a few more to go.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tom's getting Better!

Hi Everyone: Things are looking up for Tom, he has most of the tubes and wires out and off now, but he will be going back into surgery on Thursday at 11am to put in the dual pacemaker. They almost took him yesterday for surgery as that's when it was originally scheduled, but I questioned the Dr as his surgeon had told me that it would take place when he said Tom would be ready, so it was almost a mistake. Tom has sutures in the heart and they needed more time to heal. Sure glad I showed up right when I did!
He was extremely tired today, but it was because he hasn't been able to sleep for the past two nights, so with the pain meds and sleeping pill, he might get a good nights sleep tonight. The maze procedure showed signs that his heart was going back into atrial fibrillation today, but they gave him a medication to straighten it out. Since the procedure has such a high success rate, the Dr wasn't all that concerned.
His surgeon told him that he will most likely be coming back home on Friday, which was music to his ears, along with a three person staff (just kidding), although he did just get moved to an ocean view room with a view of one of the holes on the Torrey Pines Golf Course, so it's really not all that bad being there. I was kind of thinking about moving in with him:)
I have a few other things to get done before the clock strikes 1 am, Dar just couldn't stay up with me anymore, must have been the wine! Dar's here with me until Sunday when Bob will be coming back to pick her up. She and Bob showing up last Friday were a blessing.
Love to all, Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, we have needed them. Love, Denise

Monday, May 4, 2009

Another Update of Tom Groll

Hi Everyone:

First of all I want to thank everyone for all the kind thoughts and prayers. Tom went into surgery early Friday morning and by 3pm he was out of surgery. The maze procedure took the most time and then the coronary triple bypass. This morning he got the breathing tube out and was very happy about that, and then the healing began. He has been up in the chair, walking the hallway three times today and eating soft foods and requesting pain meds, as often as they will give them to him. He commented that he didn't know how older people deal with the surgery and gave them a lot of credit. The surgeon was in to see him tonight and commented to Tom how well he is doing and we don't know yet if the pacemaker surgery is still on for Monday or a day or two later. They will evaluate and decide when the time is right. I'm pretty sure that as they reduce the pain meds, he won't be having quite as much fun.

Dar and Bob have been here with me since Friday morning and Dar is going to spend the rest of the week and I'm so happy to have her here with me. We've been staying in a hotel closer to La Jolla and the Scripps Hospital, but tomorrow we will start making the 60 mile drive back and forth to be here every day.
I'll keep you posted, but so far the surgery is going well.
Thank you again for keeping Tom and me in your thoughts.
Love, Denise

Friday, May 1, 2009

Tom Groll's Update

Tom had his surgery today and Dar called this afternoon around 5 and left a message saying that Tom came thru the surgery just fine and that he was doing well. He will be in the hospital for probably 10 days, but all is well for now. Thank you for your prayers, but don't stop now. m

Happy Birthday Uncle John "83" Today!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Prayers Requested!

I just talked to Judy and she went to the doctor this morning....and they are sending her for a MRI next Wednesday as she has been having trouble with her hearing and they are concerned that it may be a tumor. Please keep Judy in your prayers. m

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tom Groll having Surgery

HI Everyone: I wanted to give you an update on Tom. Some of you may
already know this and some may be hearing it for the first time, but I
wanted you to know what's up.

Tom has been diagnosed with several heart problems, atrial
fibrillation, heart blockage and sick sinus syndrome, which causes his
heart to stop periodically. Over a 24 hour monitoring, the heart
paused for 182 times, for up to 3.6 secs, so he will be getting a pace
maker to deal with that. He had an angiogram yesterday and they found
out about the blockage, all three main arteries are blocked, 2 of them
80% and the other 75%, with 100% blockage to the artery that supplies
blood to the back of the heart, so that posed another problem. The
atrial fibrillation has been going on for an undetermined amount of
time, but it creates a greater risk for stroke.

So now the plan for surgery is to do a coronary artery triple bypass on
Friday, exact time unknown. At the same time, they're going to perform
a relatively new procedure called "maze" something or another, where
they make tiny slits in the atria to try to get the heart out of the
atrial fibrillation mode. The surgeon told Tom that the success rate
on that process is over 90%, so that will be a good thing if it works.
Then on Monday, he will have another surgery to install the pacemaker,
to take care of the pauses. He's at the Scripps Green Hospital in La
Jolla, and the place has a very good reputation-and most importantly,
Tom has confidence in the surgeons.

Many of you know just how hard Tom pushes himself, so it was a good
thing that we paid the visit to the cardiologist.
So, before I head off to bed, I'd like to ask everyone to keep him in
your thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and recovery.
Thank you bunches and love to all. Denise

I'm sure we will all keep both of you in our prayers! Love ya, m

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Update on Uncle John

Hi Mary
Hope all's with you. Did you enjoy your trip? Sounds like Karen and Rudy enjoyed their stay and visits. (I think they had a great least we had a great time with them.)
An update on John 's eye. The first surgery was to smooth the retina, and than he got the Staff infection. The infection caused the retina to become detached and something behind the eye to press into the eye. Therefore pain and discomfort. The retina had to be reattached and John had a 3 hour surgery to correct that last Tuesday. Then he had to lay or sit looking down for 6 days. The head frame didn't fit our bed so he slept in a massage chair or with his head propped in has hands. Very uncomfortable. Whatever is pressing on the back of the eye will take about 6 mo to right itself. The worst if it was that he was emptying the dishwasher when he got the pain so guess who now has to do dishes! He is not a happy camper at this point. We saw the doctors today and all seems well. He still will have only side vision - and not a lot of that. Things have to look up!
On the bright side good weather is on the way, although we had some snow today. John is planning a garden in our small backyard. That will keep him busy.
Take care - Uncle John and Aunt Florence

Thanks for the update, we will continue to keep John in our prayers. Also wish him a happy birthday for me....he'll be 83 next week....I can't believe it. m

Friday, April 3, 2009

Uncle John could use some prayers.

Hi Mary
We missed seeing you at Millie's funeral. Was good, as usual,to visit with all.
I thought I would just drop a note and tell you about John's eye. He had surgery on the retina as he has had a couple times before with good results. Well, this time a staff infection was introduced into the eye through the instruments used. As soon as he lost his vision - next day - we went back to the Dr who injected a couple medications. It turned out to be a bad staff, but one that responded to treatment. Unfortunately, the toxins from the infection caused the blood vessels to be damaged and he has little vision in that eye. At first, the Dr said to wait a couple months to see if there would be vision but last week did tests and there is little that can be done. Naturally he is quite upset. He drove today for the first time and will have to learn to drive with one eye. He's being fitted with new glasses that won't break so he can't damage the other eye. Between putting drops into the eye and driving to Madison for treatment every other day, we've had a busy couple weeks. The hospital and doctors are very apologetic but the damage is done. He needed Millie's prayers, I guess.
Other than that, we are doing well. Curling is done so we can stay home. Rusty's wheelchair curling team came out 4th in The World's Championships in Vancouver - he is coach of the team.

Take care Florence and John

Monday, March 30, 2009

Jeanie's Antics

Hi all, just a note to let you know, nothing is broken or fractured, just out of position.

When the bike went out from under me on the desert rough road, I went down hard on the bad sciatic side. Pushed the pelvic bone into the pubic bone and caused pain and lack of skeletal support on that side.

Dr Martin says decompression will do the most good, along with manipulation and massage.

I hope to be up to no good in no time at all. Thanks for all the support, Love, Jeanie

Friday, March 27, 2009

More Grandbabies born in March

John & Karin Upwood had a baby girl on March 11, 2009. Name is Lenore Virginia Scott Upwood. Weighed 7 lbs. and 19 inches long. She's beautiful!!!!

Of course, I'm a proud great-aunt as John & Karin gave her my name for her middle name. She is the granddaughter of Sharon and John Upwood.

Schieber Miracle Prayers Needed

Mary - I need the family to pray for Charlie's sister Joyce. She's 57 years old and just found out she has melanoma in her breast, liver, lungs, hip, bones etc. This is stage 4 cancer.

I figure the Schieber prayers have worked for several family members so I thought I see if it could help Joyce.

I did tell her about you and how the miracle of prayer helped you!


This is Chuck and Ginny Martinson, Ginny is the youngest daughter of Leo and Barb Schieber.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More Babies and a new Great Grandfather

Bill and Carol's granddaughter (daughter of Dan Schoenecker) had a baby boy yesterday March 23, 2009 Dakota Lee son of Kayla Schoenecker Congrats to all.


I'm homebound and hope to miss as much weather as I can along the way. Left Yuma Monday afternoon, Tuesday turned north at Las Cruces NM, Wednesday will be headed north on US Hwy 54 up to Topeka KS, then up I-35. Hope to be home before the weekend. Hope everyone is well and ready for spring! Love, Jeanie

Monday, March 23, 2009

Jeff and Theresa would like to present:

We're so happy and blessed to announce...

Our little Luke Giorgio Gendreau
was born Thursday, March 19th at 8:41pm,
weighing 7 lbs., 10 oz.,
19 inches long, and
17 days early

"Children are a gift from the Lord..." (Psalm 127)

We've been asked many times where we came up with Giorgio for a middle name. If you're interested, here's a link to some info on who he's named after...someone we think is a good example for Luke:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

March Snow in Georgia

The Farm in March, 2009 -- Pictures of the snow storm we were hit with
this past weekend. Snow is still on the ground and not all the broken
trees have been cleared away from the roads yet. Temp is suppose to get
into the 70's this weekend.

Joe and Sandi

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Back From Sedona

Hi all, I had a great time in Sedona, Dar picked me up at the airport and I stayed one nite with her and Cathie, then they drove me to Sedona the next day. I spent 3 weeks with my friend Bonnie Sass. We attended the Sedona film Festival and saw 3 great shows there, and saw 5 more films during the time I was there. I also read 4 books and started the 5th....I highly recommend "The Shack" and "The Last Lecture" but have your Kleenex ready. I hiked 6 great trails and saw lots of flowers in bloom, had a great massage, went to Tai Chi twice a week, went to water aerobics a couple times and went to the St. Patricks Day Parade and got autograph on Banners from the Arizona Cardinals Football team for my grandsons too! Got some sun, a few muscles back in shape and a lot of healing done. When I left Sedona I had my Schoenecker Cousins pick me up at the airport and take me out for lunch, so I renewed my relationship with them as well.
It was a great trip....but now I am looking forward to the next....I leave March 31, for Salt Lake, where my sister lives, and I will be joining them in welcoming my cousins from Switzerland. Karen and Reudi hosted us last May, so we are returning the favor....but only for 1 week. We will take them to Moab, Bryce and Zion National Parks in Utah, and then on to Vegas where they will meet friends from Canada. What fun!! I can't wait. m


Hi all, I just heard from Debbie that Mark is getting home from Kuwait today. They are taking the kids and going to Florida for time off together. The sad news is that soon after they get back, Mark is off to Afghanistan for another 4-6 weeks. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

I guess hibernation time is over here in the desert. The small rock hill in front of my MH is alive with lizards. They come out in the afternoon on these 90's degree days, scamper around, and sun themselves on the hot rocks. While biking yesterday, I saw, upclose, a diamond-back-coon-tail rattlesnake. A couple that was walking stopped me and told me the snake was just ahead, moving toward my direction on the side of the road. He scampered off into the desert as I, slowly, approached on my bike. It was about 3' long and 1.5" wide, diamond design on the back, with racoon colored strips at the tail end, plus the rattle. What a sight, I've only seen a couple other snakes out here, but never a rattler.

Also, the butterflies are passing through in swarms. I suppose they are coming from Mexico and headed for MN. Hope they have some leaves to land on.

I hate to leave all of this, but am getting eager to be back in MN. I'm watching and will try to time it so that I sneak through the weather fronts that keep moving from west to east. Maybe, some time next week.

I hope ya'll are well.

Love, Jeanie

Monday, March 9, 2009

Prayers Needed

Hi Mary,
Hope all is well. I need a favor from the family. I need prayers for Pandora's brother-in-law. I am enlisting the most powerful people I know along with anybody that can pray.
Pandora's brother-in-laws name is John Marra. His birthdate is May 29th and the name of his cancer is CNS Lymphoma. John is 57 and the father of two. The town they live in is Belmont, California. John was diagnosed May 11, 2008. After treatment last year his symptoms receded. John's symptoms have returned and he is undergoing chemotherapy. This is a rare, aggressive cancer and at this point a miracle is needed to save his life. I've heard miracles can happen. Love, Mike and Pandora

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Back to the Boondocks

Hi All,

Springtime is happening fast and early in the desert SW. It's been 5 weeks since I've been to this spot and what a difference. The ocotilla and beaver tail cactus and many wild flowers are in full bloom. The rain that fell in Dec and Jan is having it's effects. And, the turkey hawks are back and are interesting to watch. A few of them start circling on the wind currents, then they are joined with others untill there are a couple dozen of them going up into the sky.

I felt so relieved to get back out in the boondocks after spending another week in Yuma. My same old site was vacant out on the point overlooking the resevoir. I drove up, parked, turned off the ignition and said AHHHHHHHHHH.

While in Yuma, they had to pull out the furnace and replace a switch. I'll probably need that in MN. The generator was another story. The warranty service center I was referred to in Yuma was a joke. It was a dumpy old place, filled to the brim with clutter, the guy was slow as molasses in Jan (in MN). The only other place out here was in Phoenix. I opted to go to my old Onan generator man. He thought he might be able to fix the oil leak unless it was an internal thing. Well, you guessed it, it would have to have an entire overhaul. This guy used to be a service center for Generac, but the last two times he did work for them, he got stiffed. He said this oil problem has been hapening often with the Generac.

I did not want to go to Phoenix and spend a week up there, and I did not want to contend with further problems with a 'looser' generator. So, I asked Sean (Onan man) to please replace this with an Onan generator. I put in a 4000 Onan, replacing a 6500 Generac at my own expense. Fuel consumption will be less, it takes less battery power to start it, It runs quieter, and it is better quality, and my life will be simpler. I just won't be able to run both front and back A/C's at the same time.

Judy and Denise left me with a kitchen full of treats, some from Trader Joe's, my favorite. It was so good to spend time with them. It seems that I was left with full cupboads after all of my company including Trish and Susan and the Canadian girls. They all have such good tastes in food! Anyway, I have not had to do much grocery shoping.

Well, I have less than one month left and it is getting up to 90's tomorrow. Guess it's time for the snowbird to think about heading north to MN springtime. See ya'll soon.

Love, Jeanie

Springtime in the Dessert

Hi All,

Just a note to let you know what's going on with me.

Aunt Millie died over the weekend, and will be greatly missed by all of us cousins. Aunt Lorretta and Uncle John are the only ones left in my mother's family.

It's really warming up now, been in the 80's. I'm soaking as much of it up as I can to keep from freezing in MN in April. The purple wildflowers are showing up on the hillsides now and more blooms will be following soon.

This week I'll be spending in Yuma getting work done on the generator and the furnace. I'll be heading back out to the Resevoir for the rest of the time left. I hope I can get my projects done in time, or else they'll have to wait till next year. With moving to a new unit, there's always something. I keep working out my sciatic stuff, some days are better than others.

I hope all of you are doing well, am anxious to see everybody.

Love, Jeanie

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mildred M Huber

Huber, Mildred M. Age 91 of Bloomington. Preceded in death by husband, Edgar. Survived by 5 children, Pat (Butch) Pelava, Edward (Sharon), Michael, Buck, Rita (Lee) DuFresne; 9 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren; brother, John (Florence) Schieber and sister, Loretta Hauge. Mass of Christian Burial Tuesday 10 AM at the Church of the Nativity of Mary, 9900 Lyndale Ave. So. Interment Fort Snelling National Cemetery. Visitation Monday 5-8 PM at Gill Brothers Funeral Chapel, 9947 Lyndale Ave. So. and one hour prior to mass at church. GILL BROTHERS BLOOMINGTON 952-888-7771 (These are a couple of the last pictures I have of Aunt Millie.....the first is of her 90th birthday at the Cousins Christmas Party....and the other was of Millie with John and Loretta at the family reunion last summer. Now their are only two of the eleven. I'm sure they are having a good time in heaven.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Millie Died

At 9:30 this a.m.,Feb. 21, Aunt Millie died....I do not have details of the funeral arrangements, but will update you as soon as I get it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Debbies Visit to see Millie.

Deb was up to see Aunt Millie today. Brought her a Junior Cheeseburger and she perked up enough to eat half of her burger.
Deb told her that everyone says hi, they love her, and that we are all praying for her.

Her reply was "Tell everyone I love them too."

Ed mentioned to Deb that was the most she had perked up in days. It wasn't long and Aunt Millie went into a blank stare.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Curling Anyone?

Hi Mary
How is everything in Minneapolis? We were through there on Saturday night on the train. Our granddaughters curled for 10 days at Devils Lake, ND (no one takes a vacation in Devils Lake, ND in the Winter!) for the National Junior Curling Championships. Randi, who is 19 and attends the UW, skipped (ran the team) for Wisconsin 2. Alex, who is 16 and a junior in high school, was on the Minnesota 2 rink. Of course, Grandma and Grandpa went along. It was a long week of curling as we watched both teams - about 18 games in 8 days. The Randi Schieber rink placed 3rd and the The Solem Rink from Duluth - which is Alex's rink placed 4th. Rusty,our son, is coach for Randi's rink. The Junior champion was the Minnesota 1 rink who advances to World's at Vancouver. Rusty set up the computers so the games could be broadcast live.
Rusty left for Vancouver as soon as we got home as he is coach of the US champion wheelchair curling rink who is playing in the World Para-olympic Games in Vancouver. These games can be followed on Rusty may have live boadcasts on the cumputer at this site.
Randi's rink played in the playdown's for the US Olympic Team but didn't make it.
The state HS championships for Alex, who is skip, are this weekend so we will be going to them - then curling rests for the year.
Other than curling, all is going well.

Take care, Mary. Uncle John and Aunt Florence

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Janet, Tina and Reudi Feb. 12

All three have birthdays on the 12th and my son Tom and his wife Karen will be celebrating their anniversary as must be a very special day. Happy Day to all of you. m

Hi, a picture of Castle Dome and, of course, my new MH. Trish, Susan and I enjoyed the area very much. We pretty much had the area to our selves except for daytime hikers and 4wheelers. We had campfires nightly, listened to the coyotes howl, and the weather was perfect the whole time. Jeanie

Friday, February 6, 2009

Note from Rita Friday evening

Mom has pretty much stopped eating now and is sleeping most of the time. She is still drinking some. They have her on anti anxiety drugs, and morephine. She is resting comfortably.

I do not have to tell you the process. I know you have been throught it. Our family is at peace with it, it is what is best for her now. 91 years is a long time.


Friday, January 30, 2009

Update of those who need prayers:

Aunt Loretta fell in her apartment last week, and was hospitalized. Aunt Millie is in hospice care, she has only one kidney working but it is only working at 10%....however, she is eating better. I don't have an update on Jackie...but she will have surgery next week. Niva, Richards wife is still in the hospital and is riding the rollercoaster of ups and downs.
My back is better (recovering from a muscle strain in my low back). I plan on leaving for Chicago for the next week to play with my Naperville grandkids.
The 23rd of February I will fly to Arizona for three weeks in the sun. Keep the prayers coming.

News from Arizona

Hi All, just a note to catch up. Glad to be back at the hot springs to soak out the aches and pains for awhile. Still enjoying my new motorhome and the warm weather.

My good friends, Trish and Susan were a welcome sight for me and we had such a good time. We all divided the chores and lived like queens of the desert. Of course, we hated to part and my solitude isn't quite the same. I'm looking forward to friends from Canada coming for a few days, and also my sister Judy and cousin Denise coming for a visit. I am sooooooooo fortunate and blessed!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Update on Jackie Patton

Hi All: I just wanted to give you an update on Me. I will be having back
surgery, on Feb 6th. I am going in for a Laminectomy (sp) where they remove
pieces of the spine to let the nerves move more freely. At the time, the
doctor is there, He will make the decision, of weather he should do a fusion
of the spine. Either way I will ask for your prayers, to guide his hands,
and judgement. This doctor has come highly recomended, by my family doctor
of over 20 yr.s and the pain clinic doctor. They both know his work well.

Jackie Patton

Millie being moved to Hospice

I talked to Ed Huber this a.m. and said that Millie's kidney's are shutting down and she has requested to die in peace. So This is a special request from Millie:

Millie has been on the beads for years praying for everyone in their time of
need. Today she has asked if people would be so kind as to pray for her.

Please keep Millie and her family in your prayers. I will try to keep you informed....but I know your phones will all be buzzing, and you may be quicker than me at getting any news out.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Party Time

My serenity is coming to a halt next Sunday. My dear friend Tricia and her sister Susan are coming out for 2 weeks. I am soooooooo looking forward to them and we are going to have such a good time! We are going to park at Castle Dome mountain, and I may not have great reception for cell or broadband. So, I may be out of touch for a while.

The next week after they depart, I will be going to the Hot Tub area by Holtville. Friends from Canada will be staying with me for a few days there, and Judy and Denise are planning on coming to visit, also.

Excitment has come to the desert, and I get to go shopping and get stocked up. Georgetown is going to serve me and all my guests, all very well.

Hope the snow isn't piling up too high there in MN, and that spring will come soon for you.

Also, Mark is leaving for Kuwait again and hope you will keep him and his family in your thoughts/prayers for 2 months, again.

Love, Jeanie

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pickled Fish?

Hi Joe and Sandy:
I know that it's been a long time since we had the conversation, but
here is the recipe for the pickled fish. My sister-in-law, Sue says
that she uses Northern, which might not be available in GA, so she
suggested any other firm white fish, such as orange roughy, cod, maybe
halibut. If there is anything you don't understand about the recipe,
you can call her at 763-529-8294, afternoons after 4PM, PST is best for
reaching her. I hope that you enjoy this as much as I did. It's the
only way she will eat pickled fish, such as herring, which she says is
too mushy. I'm passing along the tomato jam recipe to her and sorry
to say, I haven't tried it yet, but maybe tomorrow! Hope all is well
and Happy New Year.

Pickled Fish

For pickling solution, in a glass or tupperware container (don't use
metal) with a tight lid combine 5/8 cup (a rounded 1/2 cup)
canning/pickling salt per quart of fish to be canned with white vinegar
to cover. Increase the amounts as needed, depending upon how much fish
you will pickle. Stir together and continue stirring to dissolve the
salt, while preparing the fish. To prepare fish, cut into cubes, about
1 in square and make sure that they're free of bones.
Add the fish to the pickling solution and be sure to cover tightly.
Store in refrigerator and soak fish for 5 days, taking the container
out of the fridge and shaking once per day to dissolve salt.
After FIVE days, take fish out of refrigerator and pour into a
colander. Rinse under cold water for 30 minutes.

You're now ready to pack the fish into quart jars ( old pickle jars
work too). Before you put the fish in jars, prepare the brine.
Mix 2 parts of vinegar to 1 part sugar( or slightly less) and heat to
dissolve the sugar. The amount you make, depends upon the amount of
fish you are using. This mixture should be cooled to about room
temperature when you are ready to use.

Pack the fish into the jars, using a layer of fish, then a layer of
onion (Sue uses yellow hamburger onions) and repeat until the jar is
half full. Add 2 rounded Tbsps. of whole pickling spices in each jar,
which you can leave loose or tie up in a bit of cheesecloth.
Pour brine into the jar, wipe edges well and put a double layer of
saran wrap over jar to prevent rust. Add the ring and lid.
Refrigerate for at least two weeks before eating. This fish can last
for 6-9 months. Sue replaces the saran wrap after a while to keep the
lids from rusting.

New Day and New Year


BEHIND THE MORNING,,, Joseph Priestley (1733-1804)

Denise....I love that quote. That's one to live by. m

Happy New Year!

May the warmth I am fortunate enough to be enjoying, reach all of you through these wishes.

Out with the OLD and in with the NEW!

2008 has been a year of healing for me. Dealing with Fran's death has taken a lot of my energy, until I was able to identify that I was carrying around a heavy guilt. For me, it was the guilt from not being able to save her. In facing up to this, I also realized I had been carrying this same guilt around for Brian for 25 years before.

I have begun to turn this guilt into a great joy and gratitude for having had both Fran and Brian in my life for as long as I did. They were each extremely powerful in their own ways, and I am the better because of them.

2009 is going to be better for me, may it be for all of you, too.

HAPPY 2009, may it be the best ever!!!!!!! Jeanie