Thursday, May 28, 2009

Uncle John can use your Prayers!

I think it is John that needs prayers! We found out yesterday that the retina of his eye is again detaching. He can let the eye shrink and maybe eventually be removed or go through another 3 hour surgery. The surgery may or may not work - hopefully the eye can be saved by reattching the retina and filling the eye with oil and maybe he will be able to see shapes. Then we hope for the retina to stay in place. This is the third surgery since the middle of March. He has what is probably the best retina surgeons in the states. Dr Ip oversaw the last surgeries but will personally do the surgery himself - so he said. The VA suggested he go to the University Hospitals so see IP but he can do the surgery either place so we opted for the University Hosp. This is hard on John - the surgeries and the loss of vision but he keeps plugging along.
I had my knee replaced on May 11 - right knee- so can't drive for another week. John only drives around town with the one eye so we are left at the mercy of our neighbors and Rusty and Chari to get to dr appointments, etc. Anne was with John while I was in the hospital and then Ellen was here for a week after I got home. I'm doing absolutely great.
The procedure I had is only done in 6 centers in the US and is done in a little hosptital 35 miles away by a surgical group from Madison. An MRI is taken of the knee, sent to Belgium and made and then placed in the knee. There is very little pain as the rod doesn't need to inserted into the leg. I was walking the first afternoon. There is a strict exercise program before and after surgery that is set up in the "Knee Manuel". I would certainly suggest this program to anyone having a knee replacement. I still use a cane, but walk really well without it. Knee surgery is usually very painful but this procedure isn't. Every one has a "coach" to help them as there is group PT 2x daily while in the hospital and if you are from a distance, the coach can stay in your room. John was my coach. You have to like white meat chicken because it seemed every meal was that. I don't like white meat chicken!
We're hoping that the summer is better than the Spring. John has been working with his flowers - his hanging gardens. Wants them in shape for a flower show in June. We need some hot sun - he can give them water but not sun!
If you are down this way, stop in. our Uncle needs encouragement!
Our best wishes
John and Florence

1 comment:

Sandi Schieber said...

Hi -- Sorry to hear about Uncle John's eye. Praying it gets better. Glad to hear your knee surgery went so well -- what is the procedure called and I wonder if it is done here in Atlanta. I'm still working and Joe has become a full-time gardner -- has a huge veggie garden plus a couple of flower beds. We love living out in the country. Take care -- we think about you often. Joe and Sandi