Monday, May 25, 2009

Memories of our Vets!

Enjoy a safe Memorial Day. My veteran is recovering well, he's getting a little stronger everyday. Tomorrow we'll see both of his surgeons at the Scripps Green Hospital, so we may just have lunch at the Beach House in Cardiff to celebrate our 11th Anniversary.
For those of you that don't know, Tom received several medals from his service in Vietnam, one was a Purple Heart when he was shot through the chest in August 1967. He returned to Vietnam and served with Special Forces (MACVSOG) and ran secret missions into Laos during the end of the war. They weren't allowed to talk about it for 20 years, so it's only been in recent times that the stories of these veterans have been heard.
Peace and Love, Denise and Tom

My Vet's Gene, Dad and brother Bill, all served well....but none in combat. But still a chance to pause and remember them. Special thoughts for Uncle Art who was killed in WWII....and all the Uncles and cousins who were in the service for us!! m

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