Mary, So glad you sent the link again to the blog. I was thinking about it and like a dumbass I forgot to bookmark it. Oh well.
Not sure how much anyone has heard but there have been a few recent events in the Schieber household. Dad went in for an eye surgery about a month ago and things went wel until he developed a staff infection in the eye. They got the staff infection right away and the drugs worked except that damage was done to the retina limiting his vision. About a week later he developed a pain in his eye and went into the emergency room and his retina had become detached. This let to surgery on the next week to reattach the retina. The surgery went well but he does and will continue to have minimal vision out of that eye. He can make out some shaped and light but that is about the extent of it.
On Monday morning Mom went and had her right knee replaced. She is still in the hospital but things are looking good. An amazing surgery. She has surgery on Monday and they started her walking on Monday evening and therapy on Tuesday. It amazes me how far they have advanced. Mom does not like anesthetics, well general anesthetics, so the surgery was done with a spinal block and valium. She came out from surgery and was alert and talking. A bit drousy from the Valium but all in all things are looking well.
Other than that the family is doing good. Annie was home for the first part of the week and Ellen is coming home on Thursday for a few days until they get settled and a routine going.
I will update again soon. Mike
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