Saturday, May 16, 2009

Golfers Needed!

Frank & I belong to an organization, Hope Chest News. Each year we have a GOLF fundraiser that brings out the best and the worst golfers wanting to help Heart and Lung Transplant patients. As always we are looking for Golfers July 27th. and donations for our Silent Auction. It looks very promising that our son-in-law Lloyd White, Cathy's husband will be able to play. He needs some more to join him.

This year we have a great RAFFLE also. Don't have to be present to win, 1st. $1000.00, 2nd. $750.00 and 3rd. is $500.00 tickets $5.00 each. We could all use a bit of extra cash.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities please contact me (Judy)
or 952-445-2497

We really would appreciate your help.

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