Friday, July 24, 2009

Update on Loretta

Loretta is in a nursing home trying to build up some strength to go home.........she was having trouble sleeping and then a doc who's not her regular doc gave her valium to sleep and after 8 days she'd used up her whole month's dose (probably sleeping but not thinking she'd slept and taking more valium. etc/////////) so she became very slurred in speech and they put her in the hospital and found that she did have a UTI........but then they also pursued an mri and found that she also has an now she has to see a neurologist to see what to do about that............she still sounds like her speech is a bit slurred and I'm not sure why.....................I told her that we were coming for her birthday celebration and she said "we'd better"! Funny!

Message written by Kathleen, after talking to Michael and Loretta herself. It sounds like she can use some prayers....They will be celebrating her 90th birthday on Oct. 24 in Dublin at Mike's home. All are invited. m

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