Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Double Trouble in Atlanta

Hi -- thought I'd let you know what is going on with Joe. My computer here at work got wiped out and I lost almost all of the families e-mails.

Anyway, last Wednesday Joe failed his stress test so we had to go back in on Thursday for a heart cath. They found a 95% blockage and tried to put a stent in. What should have been a 90 minute procedure turned into almost a 6 hour procedure. They were finally able to get the stent past the blockage. They kept him overnight and then sent him home. He is doing good -- tired, but feeling alright. Someone was really watching over him.

The next morning after we got home they put my Mom in the hospital with really high blood pressure -- 265 over 168. Hard to believe she didn't have a stroke. They adjusted her meds and she is also home and doing good.

Please keep them in your prayers.

Love and Miss everyone -- Sandi

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