Saturday, February 28, 2009

Springtime in the Dessert

Hi All,

Just a note to let you know what's going on with me.

Aunt Millie died over the weekend, and will be greatly missed by all of us cousins. Aunt Lorretta and Uncle John are the only ones left in my mother's family.

It's really warming up now, been in the 80's. I'm soaking as much of it up as I can to keep from freezing in MN in April. The purple wildflowers are showing up on the hillsides now and more blooms will be following soon.

This week I'll be spending in Yuma getting work done on the generator and the furnace. I'll be heading back out to the Resevoir for the rest of the time left. I hope I can get my projects done in time, or else they'll have to wait till next year. With moving to a new unit, there's always something. I keep working out my sciatic stuff, some days are better than others.

I hope all of you are doing well, am anxious to see everybody.

Love, Jeanie

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