Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

May the warmth I am fortunate enough to be enjoying, reach all of you through these wishes.

Out with the OLD and in with the NEW!

2008 has been a year of healing for me. Dealing with Fran's death has taken a lot of my energy, until I was able to identify that I was carrying around a heavy guilt. For me, it was the guilt from not being able to save her. In facing up to this, I also realized I had been carrying this same guilt around for Brian for 25 years before.

I have begun to turn this guilt into a great joy and gratitude for having had both Fran and Brian in my life for as long as I did. They were each extremely powerful in their own ways, and I am the better because of them.

2009 is going to be better for me, may it be for all of you, too.

HAPPY 2009, may it be the best ever!!!!!!! Jeanie

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