Thursday, March 19, 2009

Back From Sedona

Hi all, I had a great time in Sedona, Dar picked me up at the airport and I stayed one nite with her and Cathie, then they drove me to Sedona the next day. I spent 3 weeks with my friend Bonnie Sass. We attended the Sedona film Festival and saw 3 great shows there, and saw 5 more films during the time I was there. I also read 4 books and started the 5th....I highly recommend "The Shack" and "The Last Lecture" but have your Kleenex ready. I hiked 6 great trails and saw lots of flowers in bloom, had a great massage, went to Tai Chi twice a week, went to water aerobics a couple times and went to the St. Patricks Day Parade and got autograph on Banners from the Arizona Cardinals Football team for my grandsons too! Got some sun, a few muscles back in shape and a lot of healing done. When I left Sedona I had my Schoenecker Cousins pick me up at the airport and take me out for lunch, so I renewed my relationship with them as well.
It was a great trip....but now I am looking forward to the next....I leave March 31, for Salt Lake, where my sister lives, and I will be joining them in welcoming my cousins from Switzerland. Karen and Reudi hosted us last May, so we are returning the favor....but only for 1 week. We will take them to Moab, Bryce and Zion National Parks in Utah, and then on to Vegas where they will meet friends from Canada. What fun!! I can't wait. m


Sandi Schieber said...

Glad to have you back -- stay warm -- did you see the snow we received -- thought I was back home -- Joe was out of town and we lost power for 48 hours -- the dog and I moved in with Lynn and her family.

Judy Gendreau Vermeulen, CC Editor said...

Yes, I saw your pictures was going to post it, but I was at the Library using their computers and didn't have time to do it. Sorry you were alone and without power. Thank God we have kids to help us. m