Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Wishes!

December 2008
Dearest Family and Friends,
As I watched “Charlie Brown Christmas” again, The Reason for the Season, hit me…the reason I’m here, the grace of the newborn child…then I found a Christmas card that read “our joyful songs, our humble hearts, our grateful lives…may these be the precious gifts we bring to lay before the newborn King.” And it was reinforcing to me how grateful I am for my health and my wonderful family and friends who have brought me through this year. Last December I wondered if I would make it through the year and here I am today so happy and healthy, that I know only God’s grace could have gotten me here. I had such a wonderful year. In March I spent 3 weeks hiking and healing in the warmth of Sedona and the company of a dear friend. Then in May I spent the month roaming around Switzerland, Austria and Germany with my sister Kathleen and her husband Gary. We made our cousin Karen’s home as our base and really enjoyed the warm hospitality that was extended to us. Her family was so fun to be with. In June I returned to a newly remodeled cabin that my kids had worked so hard to finish before I returned to surprise me! It was so wonderful. I loved it so much that I spent most of the summer there and rewarded them with a new speedboat for waterskiing in late July. Then this Fall, I traveled to Georgia and visited Joe and Sandi, on to Florida where I saw Jim and Linda Zimmer and then onto New Orleans where my friends Bonnie and Lois met me and we spent a week touring the town. Right after Thanksgiving I drove down to Naperville and watched the grandkids while Tom and Karen were in New York on business. So you see…life is short and I’m enjoying it while I can.
My family is also doing well, Tom and Karen are still both in “shoes” and their children Emily 15, Kennedy 8, William 6, and Presley 2 are such a joy. All active, Emily in Color Guard, Kennedy in Brownies and Soccer, William in Hockey and baseball, and Presley in being smart and cute!!
Bill and Kim are both busy working, Bill luckily from home and Kim at a Pain Clinic in Coon Rapids. Their children Katie 12, and Tommy 11 are also busy, Katie is now playing hockey along with her cousins and also ran cross-country quite successfully this fall. Tommy is active in cub scouts and plays soccer and baseball.
Annie and Doug have had a big change with Doug leaving Federal Cartridge to work for Jimbo. Annie is still teaching and coaching, and they both help with the girls’ sports. Nicole 13, Allie 11 and Matthew 3 keep mom and dad hopping. Nicole is playing hockey right now, but is also involved in soccer and a cross-country runner. Allie is also on the same hockey team as Colie and Katie and played soccer and softball this summer. Matthew is a real boy and into Cars and Trains and is just as cute as can be.
Jimbo and Ann, also haven’t let any grass grow under their feet. Jimbo and his partner have purchased their third Tires Plus. This one in Eau Claire, Wis. Their boys Jack 16, and Nick 12 are getting so old. Jack turned 16 a few weeks ago and got his drivers license that day. Nick was thrilled to be on the Coon Rapids National Little League team that went all the way to Indianapolis for the Midwest championship and played on ESPN in the final game only to lose to the Dakota’s. Jack plays baseball and football and Nick ran cross country this fall as well.
Grandma keeps busy trying to watch each of them participate in their chosen sports or activities. It’s hard to make them all, but I do my best. They are all smart and good looking, and I’m not saying that because I’m the grandma…they really are! My life is so blessed by them all.
Don’t forget the “reason for the season” and have a wonderful New Year.
Love and prayers, Mary


jeanie said...

You are my shining example of a living miracle and continue to impress me daily as I continue to pray daily that you STAY HEALED.

Judy Gendreau Vermeulen, CC Editor said...

Love you Jeanie, and I pray for you always. m