Monday, December 8, 2008

More from Jeannie....Plus some from me.

Hi all,

Words from Mark last Thursday; I am leaving for Kuwait tomorrow. I will be gone for two weeks then back home for two weeks over Christmas. We head back for two months after the new year with the full group. I am looking at the complete electrical distribution systems for all US bases in Kuwait. Large task and kind of daunting right now, but will get a lot clearer after we get there.

Hope you can keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers, again.

It's Monday morning and I'm getting the solar system removed from the old coach and will return with the new coach in a few days after I get moved into it. My walk through is scheduled for later this morning, and I will start moving in this afternoon.

Hope all is well with everyone and the blessings of the season are upon you.

Love, Jeanie

I talked to Aunt Loretta this a.m. and she would like me to extend Christmas wishes to everyone, as she doesn't think she will be getting cards out this year....also she is requesting more prayers for daughter-in-law Neva. She is in the hospital and doctors are giving her a 50/50 chance of surviving....but they are hopefull as she has opened her eyes and is aware that Richard is in the room with her.

Cousins Christmas was a success, but was slimly attended. Only those that had lots of miles to come came!!! John and Flo, Darleen, Linda and Sarah, June and Len, Janet, Aunt Doris, Phillip, Pat and Butch and me (I drove back from Chicago just to be there). I really want to thank Phillip for all the work he put into setting up and all the extra's he made, we had more than enough food just with Phil's contributions. Needless to say we all took home leftovers along with our lovely gifts.....beware next year they may be yours!! A good time was had by all! Love to all the cousins, m

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