Not only did Dar volunteer at the last minute to help host, she stayed and helped clean up....but she also lent me her AAA card and a $5 tip for the guy who came out to unlock my car. Some how with all my hands full I locked my car keys and purse in the car and Dar came to my rescue. Love you lots! cuz m
I too want to thank you guys for the help. We got great reviews from the office on how well we did.
The smaller turn out made for better conversation with everyone. It was really enjoyable not being so noisy and crazy like usual.
I forgot to put out the candy dish and I think I made WAY too many devilled eggs this time.
It was fun and the best part is, it's someone elses turn next year eh?
Love ya all!
Right we need a new volunteer!
I could have it in the desert (boondocks). I can't imagine a quiet CC party, and I missed out on Phil's deviled eggs, darn. Glad some of you really special ones enjoyed the party.
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