Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lloyd leaving for Iraq

Hi Everyone,

Cathy here. Lloyd has left to Iraq. Please keep him in your prays for a safe
return home. We are really looking forward to having grandma and grandpa come
stay with us.

I also wanted to let Mary and Jackie know that lloyd played in a breast cancer
awareness golf tournament in their honor while he was home. He got a little
goody bag that I will give to grandma for you guys.

I wish everyone a warm winter up Minnesota.


1 comment:

Denise Groll said...

HI Cathy:

Lloyd will be in our thoughts and prayers and hoping that he'll be back home soon, I'm sure that you and the kids will miss him.
I'll look forward to seeing your Mom and Dad when they come to CA too. We'll talk soon. Love, Denise