Monday, August 25, 2008

Tomato Jam

Hi Mary.
While at the reunion someone was asking for a recipe for tomato jam.[I think it was one of the D’s]. I have found a recipe from the 1940’s in one of our old cookbooks. Maybe you could pass it along in the chronicle.

Six cups peeled,finely cut tomatoes

Six cups sugar

One lemon,peeled and sliced

Mix tomatoes and sugar and let stand overnight in cool place. In morning add lemon. Cook for two hours, very slowly. Stir frequently to avoid burning. Seal in small, hot jars.

The woman from St Paul, that wrote this, said that she used a heavy aluminum kettle, which also helps prevent burning, and if you needed more information to call her at VA5832. Joe


Janet Gendreau said...

Something about tomatoes and an aluminum kettle that amazes me we are all still alive.
Leave it to Joe to find the perfect receipe.

Denise Groll said...

Hey Joe:
I think that's an old tune, but it was me asking for the recipe, I'll copy it and try it. If it's worthy, I'll send some to you, if you'd like.

I've also been thinking about the pickled fish, was that you that asked for the recipe? I'll try to get it for you. Thanks, Denise