Friday, August 1, 2008

A Bit of Good News

Hi All: I don't usually send these out, But I feel so good about whats
happening I just had to share.
I think you all know I've been having alot of trouble with my back and
legs. Well after MRI's and appt. after appt. I was finally sent to a pain
clinic. Their first and most appealing thing was an injection of somekind of
fatty tissue with steroids, injected around the spinal cord to cussion the
nerves. I do have disentagrating disks. But that would only be helped by
surgery, Not my options yet. In my opinion. Well I had my first injection on
Wed. He said it would be 3 or 4 days to feel any relief. And I do. I go back
on the 13th, and if I'm still having any problems, they will do 1 more
injection. This I am told may or maynot work. It depends on whether my body
will accept the fatty tissue injected. What it is?? I don't remember what he
called it. This is not a permanent solution, But for now it's starting to
work. He said if it works for me, it might last a year or up to 3. It can be
repeated If my body excepts these treatments. At least I'm walking fairly
good today LOL.
Hope you are all doing well.
Jackie Patton

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