Thursday, August 21, 2008

Great News From Diane Massa

I got a bit of good news the other day. I saw both my oncologist and radiologist had my mamo, chest xray and blood work done and I am free and clear of cancer. I also did my first cancer survivors walk on July 19th. It felt so great.
....and then today she writes:
I saw my surgeon today and I'm going to have my chemo port taken out on Sept 2. The last step for me, oh happy days. Dave had hernia surgery today he's doing fine. He'll be off work until Tues. and no golfing for awhile he's kind of bummed about that.

Thanks for the good news Diane, it's nice to know our prayers are working.


Janet Gendreau said...

I am so proud of you to fight to beat this ugly thing they call "Cancer!"
I have thougth about you so much over the last few months and knew that you were going to do it your way. CONGRADULATIONS GIRL!!

You so deserve it.

Love always.
Cousin Janet

Janet Gendreau said...

I am so proud of you to fight to beat this ugly thing they call "Cancer!"
I have thougth about you so much over the last few months and knew that you were going to do it your way. CONGRADULATIONS GIRL!!

You so deserve it.

Love always.
Cousin Janet

Sharon Upwood said...

I am so happy to hear this great news. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Hope one of these days we will both be in town at the same time and can get together.

Much love,
Cousin Sharon

Sharon Upwood said...

I am so happy to hear this great news. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Hope one of these days we will both be in town at the same time and can get together.

Much love,
Cousin Sharon

Denise Groll said...

To My Dear Sister:
As happy as you are for your good news, so are we! You were determined right from the start that the cancer wasn't going to control you and you have put up an excellent battle and I'm amazed at how well you were able to just keep on "keepin on" throughout your chemo and radiation.
There have been some tears and some tough times, but your determination and the support and encouragement that you received from so many, helped you along the way. thanks for being such a good example, you never know how your courage and positive attitude can help others, and it could be one of us!
I talked to Dianne tonight and she shared her frustration about getting her chemo port taken out. It was suppose to happen today, but she happens to have a latex allergy, which only affects her face, but when she went for her appointment to have the port removed, they didn't have any "latex-free" gloves, so the Dr wouldn't do the procedure and now she has to wait until Sept 25th to have it removed. I told her to lie next time :) You go girl!!
Love you bunches, Denise