Monday, December 10, 2007

Party Pictures from Kim Weimer

Here is the link to some of our photos from the Schieber Cousins Christmas party last night, 12/8. Click on the link below. Click on "slideshow" on the upper right side of the page. If the title/descriptions to not appear during the slideshow on the bottom of the right side of the page is an "options" button. Click on that and then check the box that say's "show titles/descriptions"

Merry Christmas!

Kim Weimer

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Special Birthday Celebrations

Happy Birthday Jack Kiecker, Jack turned 15 today as he shares his birthday with Aunt Millie. He is my oldrest grandchild and is pictured here with cousin Nicole or "Colie".

Happy "90th" Birthday Millie,
Photo taken last year for her 89th birthday. From left, Gene, Denise, me, Millie, Debbie, Pat, Dar and Butch, having lunch at David Fongs. Millie is the only Schieber to attain 90. So there is hope for the rest of us!!! m

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Diane and Millie update from Denise

Hi Mary:Looking forward to seeing you and your perfect sister at the Cousins Christmas Party.I want to pass along the recent information about Dianne's cancer treatment. She is starting her first chemo session tomorrow (Thursday 29th), the day after her 62nd Birthday. She's feeling good and has scheduled her treatments so that she will be able to work the first 3 days of the week, have treatment on Thursday and then off on Friday and she'll have the weekend to rest and recuperate. That will happen about every 3 weeks for the next 3-4 months. Please ask the family to keep her in their thoughts and prayers.I talked to Aunt Millie today, she was getting ready to go out to David Fong's for her Prime Rib Birthday dinner. She said that there would be about 20 from the immediate family that would be there. Wow, on December 2nd we will have our first 90 year old on the Schieber side of their generation. Aunt Millie told me that she is praying every night especially for you, Frank and Dianne. If there's anyone else out there that needs her prayers, send your request. Congratulations Aunt Millie, even though you don't read the Blog, Here's to you!!! Happy 90th!!!Love, Denise

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Wishes!

Happy Thanksgiving to all the CC family! Hope you are as thankful as I am that I have such a wonderful family to surround me. The Turkey smells great! m

Monday, November 19, 2007

Mary Scheiber Jindrich Obit

Mary J. Jindrich, Maple Lake
Mary J. Jindrich, age 65, of Maple Lake died Friday, November 16, 2007 at her home.
Mass of Christian Burial will be held 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, November 20, 2007 at St. Timothy Catholic Church, Maple Lake. Fr. Michael Izen will officiate and burial will be in St. Charles Catholic Cemetery, Chatham Township. Friends may call from 4-8 p.m. Monday and 9-10 a.m. Tuesday at Dingmann Funeral Care Chapel, Maple Lake. Parish Prayers will be 7:00 p.m. Monday at the funeral home.
Mary J. Jindrich was born November 26, 1941 in Winsted to Anton "Tom" and Doris (Farris) Scheiber. She married Maurice "Morry" Jindrich on June 20, 1970 at St. Francis Catholic Church, Buffalo and he preceded her in death on January 21, 2007. Mary was a bus driver for over 30 years for Mooney Bus Company and M & M Bus Company, receiving the Transportation Specialist of the Year award. She was a member of St. Timothy Catholic Church, where she was part of the choir. Mary was also a member and performer in the Maple Lake Community Theater. She played softball for 30 years for Thomas Marine and Sun Patio, hanging up her cleats at age 60.
Mary is survived by her daughter, Mary (Darren) Helgeson of Clearwater; brothers, David (Jenny) Scheiber of Becker and Dale (Barb) Scheiber of Albany; sister, Christine (Jim) Spence of Grey Eagle; sisters-in-law, Mary Scheiber of Maple Lake and Monica Johnson of Bloomington; special friends, Jenny Weese of Buffalo and Dale Bothun of Maple Lake; and many nieces, nephews and too many friends to mention. She is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Morry Jindrich; brother, Jerry Scheiber; and nephew, Mike Scheiber.
Pallbearers will be John Spence, Briana Ross, Tom, Terry, Bob, Rebecca and Brittney Scheiber. The Sun Patio Softball Team will be honorary pallbearers. Steven King, vocalist, Marge Pavlik, organist and the Resurrection Choir will provide the music for the service. Arrangements are entrusted to Dingmann Funeral Care of Maple Lake.
Obituary, Guestbook & Video Tribute
online at

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Joe and I would like to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. We will be spending the day at Lynn’s along with Bob’s family, Joey and Keri’s family and my mom. She will have a full house and of course we will all eat too much but that’s ok – tis the season. Even though some have been going through a rough time I believe we still all have lots to be thankful for. We have this large wonderful thing called “family” and whether we are together in one room or spread across the world we will all be thinking about our family. So remember, while you are preparing that turkey – don’t forget the TUMS and the Kleenix.

Happy Turkey Day J
Sandi and Joe

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy 14th Birthday,
Emily Kiecker, Love Grandma
Emily is on right along with cousin Nicole on the left.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

New from Judy Vemuellen

Hi Mary,

Here is some good news to put in the blog. I got a little scare this last Saturday when I went to give platelets at the blood center. They wouldn't take my blood. My pulse rate was too high. So I came home and checked it with Frank's oximiter ( a machine that he measures his oxygen level and pulse rate. Yep it stayed up all afternoon. Being the doctor that I am I used his spirometer and ran a pulmonary test. Only problem is I didn't have anything to compare it with so it was useless. At that point I called the First Call for help and they said I was OK to wait until Monday if it didn't get up to 150. I was waltzing around 115 to 125.
Long story short They ran me through the ringer and i don't have heart problems, I don't have blood clots, I don't have retina problems, I have a fast heart beat and they are going to do one more test a pulmonary test and double check my findings and probably change one of my hypertension medications. This is good news to me because with the heart problems in the Gendreau family I am encouraged that it wasn't serious. A Wake-up call to continue my diet I have been on and exercise program.

More Good news Frank has been doing great. Feeling a little different being on the other end and being a caregiver. Judy

More Cousin's Christmas Info

Hi everyone!
December 8th is getting closer so I thought I better get this out there for you.

The Christmas party is at my party room on the third floor. Don't worry, the elevator is just inside the main entrance to the building and the party room is right next to the elevator.
We will start around 5pm.

As you come from 35w either from the north or south you will turn right on Burnsville Parkway. Once you cross over Nicollet ave, its about another 2 blocks distance and on the right.
As you pull into the driveway, it will be the complex on your left. Use the lot closest to the building to unload but you can park in either of the 2 lots. If the lots are full, there is parking on the east side as well but you will have to have someone wait inside for you because the entrance is for those with a pass card only.

The address is:

Windham Hills Condominiums
401 E Burnsville Parkway.
Burnsville MN

The building is a giant T, with an east, west and north tower. Enter on the west side where the north and west towers meet, this is the main entrance.

Use the phone to dial the party room #300 and we will unlock the door for you.

There is a pool if some of the kids would like to go swimming but an adult will have to be with them. The pool closes at 8pm for kids. They will need my pass card to get in.

Bring your wonderful dishes as I will bring (Normal) deviled eggs and meatballs. Don't forget to bring a white elephant.

On Sunday for the out of Towner's, Perkins is right on the north west frontage road of 35w for the heading out breakfast. We can decide a time at the party.

See you then and drive safe!


Thursday, November 8, 2007

More news on the Cancer Front!!

Hi Mary: I wanted to let you know that Dianne's surgery went well yesterday to put in the chemo port and widen the margin around the tumor area. Unfortunately for her, it involved surgery to both sides of her chest so today she was feeling very sore. I talked to her earlier in the day, the pain meds were doing their job and she was very optimistic and said "the worst part is over". She will see her surgeon and oncologist on Tuesday, 13th and will find out when she will be start her chemo. The oncologist told her that she will definitely lose her hair with the type of chemo she'll receive, so she's already ordered her wig in preparation. Please ask our family and friends to keep her in their prayers. Thank you for all that you continue to do to keep our family in touch and informed.I've been wondering why more of our family isn't sharing news on the blog, it would be nice to hear from more of the family and maybe some "good news" too. My good news is that I'm coming back to MN for the Cousins Xmas party. I'm really looking forward to it, although I could do without the cold weather, see what you can do about that! See you soon. Love, Denise

Denise...I agree...I wish more people would put in info for the blog and newsletter or just write comments. I know many of us check it daily...but not sure the rest of the cousins have seen the blog. I am sending out a CC to those without internet access tomorrow, just had it printed. So if you are reading the BLOG and get one in the mail....please let me know.

I will be having my surgery on Dec. 12, 8:30 a.m. at North Memorial. My sister Kathleen, is coming to be with I talked her into joining us for the Cousins Christmas. Hurrah! We may also be joined by the Country Cousins for the first time. It sounds like it will be a great party.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Diane goes back in for surgery tomorrow at 1:30 they are going to prepare for a port to do chemo. So keep her in your prayers.

Then the Doctor told me that surgery won't be scheduled till Dec. 11 or 12 at North Memorial. They will be calling with exact date soon. Before then I will be seeing an endocrinologist regarding the paraganglioma, as they have to put me on special medication (Alfablocker) for at least 2 weeks before I have the surgery. Plus I get to have have a tattoo in the site that they will do the temp. colostomy, so the doctor gets it in the right place. Plus a geneticist is interested in my case and they are setting me up to see him in the next two weeks as well. So the good news is I won't be laid up for Thanksgiving and I can shop till I drop (the grandchildren will appreciate that!) and I will beable to make the Cousins Christmas party on the 8th. I will be out of the hospital about a week before Christmas and should beable to celebrate!! Continue to keep me in your prayers. m

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

More info on Diane!

Hi Mary:Diane got some more bad news today. The two tumors they removed were cancer and both different. One of them is fast growing and aggressive so they will take more margins on Thursday and put in a port she will have to have chemo, she didn't want to lose her hair and then, radiation after that. LOTS OF PRAYERS for all of you. Aunt Millie called the other day and asked how you were doing she hadn't heard and wanted me to tell you that her rosary is going for you and Diane and that she will continue until she isn't here anymore....... Love Ya Dar

Monday, October 29, 2007

News about Diane!

Hi Mary: Wanted to send you a note because things have changed a bit for Dianne. She heard from her surgeon on Friday that the results of her biopsies showed that they didn't get all of the surrounding tissue when they did the lumpectomy surgery, so she will be back in surgery on Thursday, Nov 1st for more of the same. The good news is the node was clear. She also said that she will be having radiation for sure but isn't sure of the schedule yet. Keep her in your prayers.Thanks!Love, Denise

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Cousins Christmas Reminder

Phil Schoenecker (my brother) will be hosting the annual "Cousins's Christmas Party". Saturday December 8, 5 p.m. till whenever. As always it is a potluck and we will be exchanging exquisite white elephant treasures.
Okay here's the scoop.
Phil's address is 401 E. Burnsville Parkway #136, Burnsville, MN 55337

There are 3 motels about a mile from me, all on 35w and Burnsville parkway. Theres are just a straight shot drive to my place. All of them are around $50 to $60 starting range.
1) prime rate motel is on the northwest frontage road of 35w with Perkins near by.
2) americas best value inn is on the southwest frontage road of 35w.
3) red roof inn is also on the southwest side of the frontage road of 35w. These 2 have a Hooters and timberlodge steak house near by.

Prime rate inn
12850 w frontage rd
burnsville mn 55337
952 894 8554

americas best value inn
1101 w burnsville parkway
burnsville mn 55337
952 894 3400

red roof inn
12920 alderich ave s (the southwest frontage road)
burnsville mn 55337
952 890 7431

Friday, October 26, 2007


Just got word that the lymphnode I had a biopsy on yesterday is benign...just a cyst. Thank you to all who have prayed for me! Obviously it is working! Love, m

Notes from Denise and Ellen

HI Mary: An update on Dianne, her lumpectomy surgery was on Monday, she was feeling pretty sore and beat up Tuesday, but she sounded strong and happy to have that behind her. Us girls have talked to her a few times and she is coming along pretty well. They took out the cancerous areas and surrounding tissue and they took one node. The node was clean (if that's the terminology) so they didn't take anymore. Dianne will see her oncologist and surgeon next Monday and Tuesday and she said yesterday (Wednesday) that she was feeling good and would probably go back to work Thursday. She's bound and determined to do whatever she has to do to put this behind her as quickly as she can.

I talked to SueMarie today and they're fine, but she said they have a
lot of smoke. I'm not sure about Ellen, but she lives fairly close to
us and it's mainly smoke, not fire in our area. Today has been the
smokiest for us also, but hopefully things are going to start getting
better. I'm off work today and tomorrow and when I return on Saturday
I will get a better idea of how many co-workers have been affected.
Yesterday as I was driving to work, I was driving towards the fire that
was coming over the mountain from the Palomar Mountain area. I
couldn't see flames, but there was lots of thick smoke. The Pala
Casino, where I used to work was evacuated yesterday and I talked to my
friends grandson, who works there now. Josh told me that they had kept
security and the table games dealers and supervisors up to the very
last because they didn't have any locks on the doors-- they're open
24/7. I think I might have just walked off the job!!
There are so many areas that are affected that it's really hard to keep
track of where the most active fires are and there seem to be new ones
still starting, whether man-made or not, remains to be seen. They have
already determined that at least 2 of the big fires are arson. It's
almost like a 911 event where you can't draw yourself away from the TV
news reports. There has been tremendous damage and it will take quite a while for the damage to be assessed and cleaned up.

I want you to know that I've been thinking about you a bunch. You have
a big battle to fight, but I know that you must have felt much better
when the DR told you to pack the bags for the Europe vacation. Stay
strong and know that you have many family members, friends and angels cheering you on and sending as much strength, hope and love your way. I'm one of them! Love you, Denise

Hi everyone,

Just a short to let you know that all is well in Lake
Elsinore, we are in the middle of all the fires, but
far enough away to be safe. San Diego County fires are
about 40 miles south. the ones in San Bernadino fires
are about 30 - 40 miles north, and the Orange county
fires are about 10 Miles to the west. But none in
Lake Elsinore.

Take Care,


Thursday, October 25, 2007

California Update

We have word that Denise and Cathy (Judy's daughter) are safe from the fire storm, but haven't heard from Sue or Ellen.

I also have not heard how Diane is doing, since she had surgery on Monday. I am on my way for another biopsy will update you when I know something. Till then prayers for all those in harms way, be it fire or cancer! m

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Update on the Medical Front

Hi to All,

Just thought I would give you an update on Len. He ended up getting out of the Hospital on Fri, and they said He would have to come back in about a month. There was another blockage , about 80 %, that would have to be done at a later date. Well on Sat. He was having some more pain so once again we made the trip to emergency and they ended up sending Him back down to Fairview Southdale. He had the stint put in today (Monday) and things should be OK now. The Dr. said everything else looks good and He should not have anymore problems. He will be getting out tomorrow ( Tuesday) I hope. It has been a long week but things are looking up now. God is GOOD.

Mary my prayers are with you, you are going to make it through this like you did before. Keep that positive thinking and remember that GOD is GOOD, and He will bring you through.

Love June Gebhart (Martinson)

Just an update on me....I see the oncologist this a.m. and tomorrow a pre-op physical and Thursday the guided biopsy of a lymphnode near my aorta. Keep the prayers coming. Love, m

Thursday, October 18, 2007

News from June

Hi to All,

I am sending this to a bunch to let you know that Len, the love of my life, had a Heart Attack on tues morning. I got him to the Hospital when he was having the attack and they where able to stop it and fix it right away. He had a complete blockage and they took him by ambulance to Fairview Southdale, the greatest Heart Hospital in the state. And they had the surgery done and he was out by the time I got down there. Boy are they fast. He is doing fine and he will be coming home today( thursday). He will have to take it easy for awhile but should be fine, thank God. Please keep him in your prayers so his recovery goes fine.

God Bless to All June

Sorry you have to go throught this stuff once again. I'll keep you in my prayers. m

Saturday, October 13, 2007

News on the Cancer Front!

As most of you know by now...I have been diagnosed with Cancer again....Rectal Cancer this time and it is not connected with my original Uterin Cancer. I'm not sure what the battle will entail, but I'm guessing radiation, chemo and surgery with a temporary colostomy....and this probably will stretch out over several months. I won't know more till the results of all my tests comeback and the doctor meets at a Tumor Conference on Wednesday. But I will keep you posted.
Diane's surgery for her Breast Cancer has been postponed till Oct. 22 I think. I'm not quite sure why, but we need to keep praying for her too!
This a.m. I got the following email from Barb Scheiber (Dale's of the country cousins) with an update on Mary Scheiber Jindric who has lung cancer and has been battling for a couple of years now:

So sorry to hear the news - things were going along pretty good for awhile. We'll say a prayer for you. Thought I'd let you know that Mary Jindrich started chemo this summer and the first round didn't take, so they started her on some stronger stuff. When she got home yesterday she had a hard time breathing and eventually had to go to the ER. They admitted her to St. Cloud Hospital. She's better today but needs to stay through the weekend. They're not sure if this was a reaction to the chemo or not.
Take Care. I hope things work out - doesn't sound like you have an easy road ahead. If there's ever anything I can do for you , just let me know ! Bye Barb

So please keep us all in your prayers!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Sarah and Ellie Mae

Lynn's Sarah (10-7-00) and Joe's Ellie Mae
Happy Birthday
Love Grandma and Grandpa

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Happy Birthday William 5 years old today!

Happy Birthday,
Love Grandma

Note from Ellen Schieber

Hi everyone,

Hello everyone, this is Ellen, Uncle John’s daughter. I am in a competition, If I can sell a specific amount of product in 6 months from my Quixtar business, if I make it, I can go to Hawaii. I need to have 50 people purchase $50 dollars or equivalent. So, I was thinking, with a family as big as ours……………

If everyone that is purchasing a Christmas, baby, wedding, or graduation gift would check out the website prior to going to Wal-Mart or Target, and order a gift certificate or the gift itself, I should be able to achieve my goal.

You can order the gift on-line, not have to spend time fighting the crowds or driving, parking, wasting your time & gas.

Or, if you see personal items that you need and don’t want to go out and pick them up, you could have them delivered to your house. If you like them, we can set up a monthly automatic order for the items. (free shipping when you order $75 or more monthly)

My business has a couple of web sites that you can check out. $25 – $750 Gift cards and 2 – 3 night vacations (need to create your own account and password)
special pricing if you want to order more than 5 gift cards (see attached sheet) Home, personal, electronics, healthy snack and regular food, nutritional and weight loss products as well as other stuff.
Account: 102268894
Password: Schieber

The password and account number will let you in to view the web site.

When you order, you will need to enter in your billing information and shipping information.

If you have any questions, please contact me at the phone number below.

Thanks in advance, with your help I can make the goal.

Have a great day

Ellen Schieber

Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm sure the answer is "YES"!

Good Morning
Joe wants to know ---- “If a man is talking in the woods and no woman hears him, is he still wrong?”

Jimbo Beat the Heat and Finished the Marathon

Jimbo at the half way point...still looking strong!
Jimbo after the Marathon! Congrats Jimbo, I'm sure dad encouraged you all the way, so he didn't have to carry you....we love ya! mom

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Prayer Requests

Mary, could you pass this on to the family, please add sister, Dianne to your prayer lists. Dianne, (Uncle Ed or Eddie's oldest) was diagnosed with breast cancer about 2 weeks ago. Initially, they thought it was ductal carcinoma in situ, but after she requested further testing by MRI they found more spots and did more biopsies, which turned out to be infiltrating and cancerous. Dianne is scheduled for lumpectomy surgery on Friday, Oct 12th and she is very comfortable with her oncologist. After surgery and reviewing all the test results, they will decide the next course of treatment which could be radiation, chemo or both. Dave has been going to appointments with Dianne and Sheri, her daughter and Fatima, her daughter-in-law to be, both work in the medical field so they're adding their feedback and are actively involved in her care.

Jeff Gendreau (Art's son) had neck surgery yesterday! Please put him on the list too. Hi to all, Judy just called me to let you guys know that Jeff went into surgery at 1:30 PM, It's supposed to take about one to one and a half hours They were going to go through the front of his neck and take out one disk than fuse them back together again. Will let you know when Judy calls after surgery.
Frank. .

I am in Chicago for the Marathon, which my Baby Jimbo is running in tomorrow. He also turned 39 yesterday, and I didn't have time to put his picture in....but look for one early next week. Thoughts and Prayers to you all, m cc editor

Friday, September 28, 2007

Thank God I'm not "65" like Judy

Happy Birthday Judy, we all love ya! m

And Happy Anniversary to you and Frank tomorrow! September 30, 2007 " 46 years!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Matthew

Matthew Stalboerger

September 30, 2007

Happy Birthday

Love Grandma

Friday, September 21, 2007

Happy 16th Wedding Anniversary

Jim and Ann have been married 16 years today, September 21, 2007
Love ya, mom

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Chocolate Lovers!

Hi: I thought you might like to see these pics of Aunt Doris, SueMarie and I at the "Day of Wine and Chocolate" , a fund raiser for one of the local hospices held at the Wilson Creek Winery in Temecula. We had our fill of chocolate, but didn't quite get our fill of wine, so we opened a bottle when we got home and had it with dinner. We had a lovely visit, just not long enough. Tom has put out about 6 hummingbird feeders in our yard and they are drinking like crazy these days and fun to watch, we watched some of the Planet Earth DVDs and called it an early night. We had a nice breakfast, french toast, strawberries and smoked chicken and apple sausage this morning before they left for home. I hope to get to see more of Aunt Doris before she leaves California, she is still full of spunk and ready to go, even if she doesn't think so. Maybe I'll get over to Seal Beach area to see them again before she leaves. Tom and I are going to Vegas on Wednesday, staying at Harrah's for a couple nights. There is a Special Forces Association reunion and it'll be his first time attending.Hope all is well. Mary, how was the trip to SLO, did the tourist information you received from Leslie come in handy? I'm guessing that the weather was lovely, probably a bit warmer than usual for that area this time of year. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the trip.Gonna run for now, almost bedtime. Take care. Love, Denise

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Happy Birthday - Collie Monster is 12!

Love Ya,
Grandma Mary
September 19, 2007

Congratulations are in order!

Hi Mary and ALL

I have great news to report. Len and I got married on Sept. 12 by the justice of the peace. We will be having another ceremony in the church as soon as his annulment in the church goes through. I will let you all know when that is going to happen. My new name is June Gebhart or Mrs. Lennard Gebhart. He is a great guy . Mary his birthday is July 26, 1940 for your records. He is a retired Navy guy, sorry Uncle John. He also worked at the airport after getting out of the service. He was in charge of the fuel oil at the airport, and has retired from there also.
I can't remember when I have been sooooooooooo happy, I know you all will like him and hope to see you all there when we get the marriage blessed in the church. I will send pictures later.

June and Len Gebhart

Friday, September 7, 2007

Proud Grandma Brags!!

I just wanted to brag a bit. Seeing that Dazy had a bad day and refused to go to school maybe she would like to know that her cousin Alex starting 6th. grade this year has been asked to move up to 7th. grade math.

Abby Reinke, the school the kids go to, had the highest test scores in the city on the standardized tests they took last spring. Both Alex and Josh were in the 95 to 100 percentile overall.

Josh in 4th. grade now has been chosen to be able to go on a field trip for advanced students to go to the state capital for a day.

Josh is really into Football this fall and Alex has been asked to join a traveling basketball team. So when my jocks are not on the field their noses are in books.

I have to add that Aleesa started kindergarten this year and is going all day to school she is doing great also following in the footsteps of bigger brother and sister. Glad she isn't like Dazy.

Proud Grandma Judy

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Dazy is Back! to School that is!

You have no idea what the first day of school is like in my household.
Little Miss Muffet has all summer long to decide what she was going to wear on the first
day of class and at the very last minutes she thinks she looks too fat and she is not going to school, along with a barrel of tears.
Then, I have to spend the next 10 minutes telling her what a wonderful personality she has and nobody will ever notice what she is wearing. The first day of school is always a creative day and how well I can lie. Caos, that is what the first day of school is like. All the other kids always hope she wins in the battle because if Dazy doesn't go to school then the rest of them aren't going either.
Trying to get them all to the table to eat breakfast is a whole other story. Nobody can have the same cereal. We are all individuals with our own distictive pallet for food.
Why do Mothers want to be Mothers??? Life would be so much easier if was just me!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Last Posting for August!

Hi, I'm off to a weekend of fun and birthdays! ... Then you throw in a little Twins Baseball, a dash of water at the Depot WaterPark and lots of family! My family will all be together celebrating this weekend, we will celebrate Annie's 40th even though that was last March!!! and Allie's 10th that was the end of July....and Presley's first a few weeks ago and Tommy's 10 which is actually on Monday the 3rd.

Happy Birthday

Ellen has a new email address

Hello everyone,

I have a new email address.

I will still be using the other one for junk mail, but this is the new business and personal email.

Ellen Schieber
ENB Company


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Jackie Patton has Eye Surgery

Hi All: I had the cataract surgery today, with the implant for vision. I have been sleeping most of the day. I have an appointment tomarrow at 9:30 with my regular eye doctor and I have alot of questions for her. Other than things being brighter, there is no change in vision. I'm hoping this will improve, but at this time, don't know what to tell you.
I had a surprize before surgery, Jeannie showed up, she had gone to 4 different clinics in Pine City to find me. But was in the right town, so she just kept going till she got to the right place. We had a good visit, Barb was also there, she was my ride. So we all went out to lunch after surgery, because I was starving, LOL had a good time.

Hi all: Well I came back from the doctor with some good and bad news. The good news is everything is allot brighter than it was, and I can see colors again. So that means I can start painting again YAHOO.
The bad news is, there is allot of swelling in the eye. And we won't know if there is any sight improvement until that is gone. So I now have 3 different drops and a cream to put in my eye 4 times a day. 10 min. apart from each other. So I have 3 hr's in-between treatments to do anything I can. My depth perception is off a bit, so I walk very carefully. Can't bend down or carry anything over 10 lbs.
I'm going to go in and try to paint, and see how that goes.
Wish me luck.
Love Ya All

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Birthday Boy...August 23, 2007

Lordy, Lordy, Look who's 48?
Guess again!
And looking Great!
Happy Birthday Gary!
We Love YA!
(I'm not saying that cause you plied me with Champagne....well maybe a little, but I thought that before room service arrived!)
Mary and all the cousins....well most of the cousins.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Gracie and The Queen of Great Aunts

Address Correction

Zip code should be 94568

Pandora's mom died.

A note from Denise:
I spoke to Aunt Loretta today and she told me that Pandora's Mom had passed away last Thursday. I understand that she had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and her death was more sudden than expected. If anyone would like to send a card their address is:
Pandora and Mike Hauge
7287 Thames Court
Dublin, CA 94550
Also, I had sent Aunt Loretta a DVD of pics from the BD Bash and she > said she has watched it a couple times and really enjoys seeing the > pictures. If you know of anyone who didn't have a camera and would > like some pics, send me their address and I'll make them a DVD also.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dar and Matt Muellner (Ed & Sharon's Daughter)

Hi Mary!

In checking out the recent CC I noticed you were asking about those who would like the CC via Email. I would love it! We would get it quicker, it's easier on you and it saves a stamp/tree!

Things are great around here these days. Charlie just turned one and is such a fun little guy keeping us on our toes! His cousin Jaden just started moving around so Mike and Heather are in the kid proofing mode too!

We have had a REALLY busy summer with the kids in ball 5 nights a week, Summer Academy and a family vacation to San Diego. Matt and I just got back from an adult vacation in Sturgis....that was fun! That part of the country is so beautiful. Touring in the Black Hills and the Badlands was fantastic. Something everyone should do if given the opportunity.

Great to hear everyone had so much fun in Vegas. Sorry I had to miss it this year. Hopefully next time I will be able to be part of the crazy cousin extravaganza.
Thanks, Darlene (Dar) Muellner

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New Arrival!

Hi Mary...Storms are about to hit to I'll get to the point and keep this short.Jeff & Theresa Gendreau are happy to announce the birth of their 5th child this afternoon - Aug 13, 2007 @ 4:37pmIt's a girl: "Mary Grace" (8 lbs, 4 oz. and 20.5 inches long)It was very quick...thanks to police escort through St. Cloud to the hospital...Mary Grace made her entrance less than a minute after Theresa was wheeled into the delivery room. Jeff, Theresa and baby are very happy and doing well.Pls share the news via email blast and/or blog...Thanks!"Auntie Cyn" :-)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Butch Pelava's Dad Dies

Pelava, Stanley C. age 87, of Bloomington, on August 6, 2007, the last of 6 children born to Philip and Elizabeth Pelava. WWII Army Veteran and Bronze Star Recipient. He retired as a truck driver for Skelly Gas Co. after 30 years. Preceded in death by wife, Genny and son, Richard. Survived by son, Butch (Pat) Pelava; daughter, Stella (Dave) Torkelson; 9 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

Previously this year:
Fran Podzimek Stangler (Jean Gendreau Podzimek's daughter) July 6, 2007, check out her caringbridge site at: and enter franstangler for more information and pictures

Eugene Kiecker (my husband) June 4, 2007 and enter eugenekiecker for full details and pictures.

Maury Jindric (Mary Scheiber Jindric's husband) January 21, 2007, Maple Lake, MN

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Note from Barb and Dale the Country Cousins

Yes Mary, we would like to receive the Cousin's Cronicles by e-mail. We check our e-mail at least once a day and sometimes twice. I'll have to figure out that BLOG thing. Just a matter of taking the time to do it ! Looks like it could work very well. Isn't technology amazing ! It does keep everyone in touch. Hope you're doing OK - thinking of you often. We are trying to survive the drought - not good when you're in the sod business ! But at least we're not dealing with the after effects of the !-35 Bridge disaster or other major health problems that some people deal with every day. Brittany just got back from a trip to Australia and they also stopped in Hawaii. She played basketball with her team from Albany. They took first in Australia against the other US teams and Australia, including one of their college teams. Last year Minnesota didn't win any games over there so they were proud. Her coach from high school is the MN coach for ISSI . ( International Sports Specialists, Inc. ) These girls did fundraising since they were freshmen. Rebecca is returning to Anoka- Ramsey for her last year as a PTA student. She did her Internship this summer at the Veteran's Medical Center in St. Cloud and will have two more internships before she graduates. She loves the patient contact and is excited about getting a job next year in her field. Rebecca also works at Old Navy, transferred to St. Cloud for the summer and will transfer back to Coon Rapids in fall. Briana is married now and still working at CentraCare Foundation.
Her office is about 5 floors below mine at St. Cloud Hospital. Last year at this time we were picking out flowers for her wedding.
We'll have an " empty nest " after this next year since Brittany graduates next May. All for now. Take Care . Hope to see you at Dave and Jenny's party. Bye Barb

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

25th Wedding Anniversary Celebration

Jenny and David Scheiber would like to invite you the celebration of their 25th Wedding Anniversary at their in Becker, MN on Sunday, September 2, 2007 from 2 p.m. til whenever. Dinner will be served at 5 p.m. They will have hayrides and horseshoes and lots of fun on their beautiful sod farm. Everyone is invited! Kids are welcome.

7162 SE 165 Ave., Becker, MN 55308
Hwy #10 to County Rd 11 (North or Right) 7.3 miles...Driveway on the # is 7162....they will have a sign as well.

Cousin Ginny Martinson wrote this!

Mary - go ahead and send me the CC by e-mail. Sharon is coming into town on Wednesday. She will only be here for a few days and then Charlie & I will go out to NJ near the end of September. It will be exactly 2 years since Mom passed away on August 8th.. After we pick her up at the airport we are going to go to Mom & Art's grave sights and then over to Dad's. We'll put some flowers down on all of them. Gotta go for now. Take care! Love,Ginny

Here's a note from Judy Vermuellen

Hi Mary,

Just a little note to let you know what the Vermeulen's are doing. Once back from CA in the spring Frank had to do some messing around with some drugs because a drug he was taking for his stomach was taken off the market. Well after some phone calls and letter writing we were able to get him on a study of the drug and he is feeling much, much better. Our organization that we support (Hope Chest News) just finished our first golf tournament. I am proud to say we raised over $15,000.00 for our patients in need. Our organization helps heart and lung transplant patients with expenses not covered by Insurance. Like food on the table and housing when they have to stay in town for weeks on end.

The night before the tournament I got a call from Daughter Cathy and she needed some help with babysitting. Well Grandma said " I cant come tonight but I will come in 2 days. That was fine with her and grandma hopped a plane. What could I do. My grandkids needed their grandma and grandma needed a vacation.

I have 2 grandkids starting kindergarten this year. Aleesa daughter of Cathy and Bobby son of Bob.
Bob and Beth are likeing thier place in CO. Lloyd who was suppose to go to Iraq 6mos ago never made it. He got to Florida for some training and ended up staying there. He will be home in a couple of weeks for reassignment. He is hoping to pick up Major soon and that will give him yet another new assignment. Their hope is to stay in CA. They own a home here now and the kids all have friends and are in involved in sports. Sandi, Mike's wife is hoping to get a teaching job this year in Shakopee or surronding school districts with her new special education degree. That's the latest from the Vermeulen's we are all doing well. Judy

Note from Jackie Patton

Hi Mary and Everyone:
First off Mary Matts e-mail is And we would both like are CC electronically. I like it better that way, because I can see it larger on my screen.
Still having vision problems.
I have more surgery scheduled on my left eye, That is the eye that had the macular pucker, and now they will take off the cataract, and hopefully I will have some sight left. The surgery is scheduled on Aug. 24th. My right eye, has now started the macular pucker, but it isn't close enough to the macula yet, to do surgery. will keep a close watch on that. Of all my senses, this is the one I pray I don't lose. As of yet I can still paint for short times, and that is my love of life, other than my family. They are all doing fine. Al has 3 yr.s to go until retirement 62, I am looking forward to that. And Matt is doing well at his job at Ashley Furniture in WI. He will be there a yr. in Sept. and qualify to go on in school. They will pay according to his grades. I hope he will be able to take advantage of this. He still loves his house and is planning on making some changes in the future. Dad can help him with that LOL.
Talked to Jenny(David and Jenny) She said they were planning on a party for there 25th wedding anniversary. In Aug. I hope you get all the info, so you can pass it along.
Thanks Mary for being you. You are the trunk of the tree that keeps all us branches together.
Jackie Patton (Phil and Betty's 2nd to the youngest)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Cousin's Chronicle Blog Style

Well, gang this is the beginning of our BLOG. I hope this works well for all of you computer literate cousins and those that just know how to read email. Eric (Kathleen's eldist) suggested I try here goes!
I think I will have it set up so you can add comments to be read by all, and I will post any emails or letters I get by snail mail. I will continue to mail the CC to those who don't have internet access. So the postman will stay in business too!
Please feel free to post your own comments or info you'd like the family to read. Wish me Luck! m, CC Editor

Okay, I is a few of the letters I received:

First is from Aunt Flo and Uncle John
There is not a lot of activity here. Portage is pretty quiet. Anne has opened an Italian food and pizza place in Colfax, WI. It is really cute. She calls it "A LITTLE slice of ITALY" or Little Italy. MY niece from Boyceville has painted a murel on one wall and a portrait of the Sopranos on another wall. Pizza is all homemade and really good.

We really enjoyed our visit with Loretta. It was so hot we didn't get to do a couple things we planned but we kept busy.

John's eye is really gaining vision after his last eye surgery so he hopes to be back to doing his stained glass when he's fitted with new glasses in a month or two. Then on to getting a small cataract removed which is nothing, compared to ;the other surgery! I keep doing quilting - have lots lined up for Christmas. I quilt with five other "girls" - they are old enough to be my kids - but I enjoy it. This summer I have been demonstrating a theater organ at the Al Ringling Theater in Baraboo - about 16 miles from here. That is my fun job. They have tours of the theater and I play one time a week. If ever you get to Baraboo in the summer it is worth a theater tour. It's small but beautiful. The Ringling Circus was headquartered in Baraboo.

The following is from Janet:

What a great time had by all. Vegas with the girl cousins fifteen years later was almost as fun as the first time. At least this time most of us remembered it. I can't say enough for how well planned and organized everything was. Denise did a fantastic job. Sandy has volunteered to host the next one. I have my bags packed. Just need to know where and when.
My cousins are the best in the whole world to party with. They are some very funny people for cousins.
The “Slot Tournament” drew quite the attention. People were asking how much we were winning. We didn’t. We just yelled every time someone hit the button. It sounded like we were winning.
Everyone at “Margarita Ville” bar was celebrating in costume. Mary won the prize for a parrot on her shoulder and sunglasses with a parrot on one side and a palm tree on the other. Love those Margarita's!
The birthday bash in our room was the best. Kathleen’s husband Gary had champagne delivered to our room. When the knock came at the door, everyone thought it was security. We may have been a little on the loud side. It was just like the movies when we opened the door and the guy in a hotel suit had his table with champagne on it wrapped in a white cloth. I was either Ginger Rogers or Kate Star. Not sure which one. But it was soooo cool to open that door. Kathleen got the honors of signing for it. THANKS GARY!!
What we did in Vegas has to stay in Vegas I can't tell you that Mary was named after her Dad's girlfriend and Debbie was named after her Dad's boyfriend. (only the girls will get that joke!)
Toby Keith’s dance hall was a blast. Everyone was on the dance floor including Aunt Loretta. My ears are still hurting from the loudness but what fun. They did a whole rendition of Johnny Cash songs. Funny how everyone knew the words?
We all had our chance at going topless at the adult pool. Most of us didn’t want to embarrass those young girls that all the guys were ogling. Well, most of us except Debbie.
I had a great time and so many good laughs.
Thanks cousins for the memories.
P.S. Joe we really missed you.

Love Janet