Saturday, October 13, 2007

News on the Cancer Front!

As most of you know by now...I have been diagnosed with Cancer again....Rectal Cancer this time and it is not connected with my original Uterin Cancer. I'm not sure what the battle will entail, but I'm guessing radiation, chemo and surgery with a temporary colostomy....and this probably will stretch out over several months. I won't know more till the results of all my tests comeback and the doctor meets at a Tumor Conference on Wednesday. But I will keep you posted.
Diane's surgery for her Breast Cancer has been postponed till Oct. 22 I think. I'm not quite sure why, but we need to keep praying for her too!
This a.m. I got the following email from Barb Scheiber (Dale's of the country cousins) with an update on Mary Scheiber Jindric who has lung cancer and has been battling for a couple of years now:

So sorry to hear the news - things were going along pretty good for awhile. We'll say a prayer for you. Thought I'd let you know that Mary Jindrich started chemo this summer and the first round didn't take, so they started her on some stronger stuff. When she got home yesterday she had a hard time breathing and eventually had to go to the ER. They admitted her to St. Cloud Hospital. She's better today but needs to stay through the weekend. They're not sure if this was a reaction to the chemo or not.
Take Care. I hope things work out - doesn't sound like you have an easy road ahead. If there's ever anything I can do for you , just let me know ! Bye Barb

So please keep us all in your prayers!


Janet Gendreau said...

This family needs to close the flood gates on this thing called Cancer. Way to much to way to many people.
Mary, Diane, and Maple Lake Mary, your in my thoughts daily. All of you have so many people praying for you and will be there in a heart beat if you need anything. I know it's hard to ask but let people know and they will come running.
Love to all.

Sandi Schieber said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you -- you are a strong women with strong faith.

FaithK said...

I love this family and I thank you for taking such good care of eachother. It brings me great peace to know that Mary has all of you. It's hard being so far away and not able to help in a way I would like. Thank you all so much!
Karen Kiecker

Judy Vermeulen- Gendreau said...

Mary my thought and prayers are with you as you continue your tests. I just heard from Cathy and they are fine and I assume Denise is fine too. I am concerned about the rest of them out there and told Denise my prayers are going out there for all the Aunts and Cousins out there.
Hope the biopsy is negative