Diane goes back in for surgery tomorrow at 1:30 they are going to prepare for a port to do chemo. So keep her in your prayers.
Then the Doctor told me that surgery won't be scheduled till Dec. 11 or 12 at North Memorial. They will be calling with exact date soon. Before then I will be seeing an endocrinologist regarding the paraganglioma, as they have to put me on special medication (Alfablocker) for at least 2 weeks before I have the surgery. Plus I get to have have a tattoo in the site that they will do the temp. colostomy, so the doctor gets it in the right place. Plus a geneticist is interested in my case and they are setting me up to see him in the next two weeks as well. So the good news is I won't be laid up for Thanksgiving and I can shop till I drop (the grandchildren will appreciate that!) and I will beable to make the Cousins Christmas party on the 8th. I will be out of the hospital about a week before Christmas and should beable to celebrate!! Continue to keep me in your prayers. m
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