Yes Mary, we would like to receive the Cousin's Cronicles by e-mail. We check our e-mail at least once a day and sometimes twice. I'll have to figure out that BLOG thing. Just a matter of taking the time to do it ! Looks like it could work very well. Isn't technology amazing ! It does keep everyone in touch. Hope you're doing OK - thinking of you often. We are trying to survive the drought - not good when you're in the sod business ! But at least we're not dealing with the after effects of the !-35 Bridge disaster or other major health problems that some people deal with every day. Brittany just got back from a trip to Australia and they also stopped in Hawaii. She played basketball with her team from Albany. They took first in Australia against the other US teams and Australia, including one of their college teams. Last year Minnesota didn't win any games over there so they were proud. Her coach from high school is the MN coach for ISSI . ( International Sports Specialists, Inc. ) These girls did fundraising since they were freshmen. Rebecca is returning to Anoka- Ramsey for her last year as a PTA student. She did her Internship this summer at the Veteran's Medical Center in St. Cloud and will have two more internships before she graduates. She loves the patient contact and is excited about getting a job next year in her field. Rebecca also works at Old Navy, transferred to St. Cloud for the summer and will transfer back to Coon Rapids in fall. Briana is married now and still working at CentraCare Foundation.
Her office is about 5 floors below mine at St. Cloud Hospital. Last year at this time we were picking out flowers for her wedding.
We'll have an " empty nest " after this next year since Brittany graduates next May. All for now. Take Care . Hope to see you at Dave and Jenny's party. Bye Barb
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