Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Curling Anyone?

Hi Mary
How is everything in Minneapolis? We were through there on Saturday night on the train. Our granddaughters curled for 10 days at Devils Lake, ND (no one takes a vacation in Devils Lake, ND in the Winter!) for the National Junior Curling Championships. Randi, who is 19 and attends the UW, skipped (ran the team) for Wisconsin 2. Alex, who is 16 and a junior in high school, was on the Minnesota 2 rink. Of course, Grandma and Grandpa went along. It was a long week of curling as we watched both teams - about 18 games in 8 days. The Randi Schieber rink placed 3rd and the The Solem Rink from Duluth - which is Alex's rink placed 4th. Rusty,our son, is coach for Randi's rink. The Junior champion was the Minnesota 1 rink who advances to World's at Vancouver. Rusty set up the computers so the games could be broadcast live.
Rusty left for Vancouver as soon as we got home as he is coach of the US champion wheelchair curling rink who is playing in the World Para-olympic Games in Vancouver. These games can be followed on usacurl.org. Rusty may have live boadcasts on the cumputer at this site.
Randi's rink played in the playdown's for the US Olympic Team but didn't make it.
The state HS championships for Alex, who is skip, are this weekend so we will be going to them - then curling rests for the year.
Other than curling, all is going well.

Take care, Mary. Uncle John and Aunt Florence

1 comment:

. said...


The link to the USA Curling Association is usacurl.org. The site you mention is a spam site. You might want to edit the post.

You can also follow the World Wheelchair Curling Championship which will hopefully include live blogging at www.wheelchaircurling.com
