Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Millie being moved to Hospice

I talked to Ed Huber this a.m. and said that Millie's kidney's are shutting down and she has requested to die in peace. So This is a special request from Millie:

Millie has been on the beads for years praying for everyone in their time of
need. Today she has asked if people would be so kind as to pray for her.

Please keep Millie and her family in your prayers. I will try to keep you informed....but I know your phones will all be buzzing, and you may be quicker than me at getting any news out.


Janet Gendreau said...

Thanks Mary,
This really does help to keep people informed. But you are right, the phone wires have been a buzzing. My heart hurts for the Huber family. We all know we can't last forever but saying good-bye is way to hard for words. So let the tears flow and the healing begin.
Love always Janet

Judy Gendreau Vermeulen, CC Editor said...

Right I don't think Millie needs the prayers as much as her family. Millie is going to be with her family in heavan, the rest of us have to deal with life.

Denise Groll said...

To Our Family: I talked to Debbie and from Pat she learned that one of Aunt Millie's kidneys is 100% shut down and the other working at 10%. Aunt Millie had regained a taste for food after a period of nausea and is very short winded, but getting visits from the immediate family, grandkids. Please keep Aunt Millie in your thoughts and prayers. Love and Peace, Denise