Saturday, November 1, 2008

Update on Jackie Patton

Hi All: I just thought I would give you all an update on my life.LOL.
On Oct 14, I was getting ready to go to a porcelain show. I have been having lots of problems with my back (disintegrating disks) and have had 2 injections into my spine, Well they really aren't doing much, but back to the 14th of Oct, I lost my balance and fell. I didn't feel to good, but continued on the show and vacation, and a painting seminar. Today Oct 31st. I started getting muscle spasms in the place where I fell on my back. So to the doctor, 3 x-rays showed I have a broken rib, nothing they can do for that except rap it. Now I'm on drugs, LOL So don't call if your looking for me to make since. I'm not used to taking anything, and they hit me really hard. They said it can take up to 6-8 weeks to heal, and I can't take another injection on my lower back, while taking these meds. So I'm on hold for that. I could use some prayers my way. I'm not dying, just really uncomfortable.
Love you all. Jackie Patton

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