Saturday, November 22, 2008

Greetings from Arizona (Jeanie Podzimek)

Hi Everyone, It's was 89 degrees yesterday afternoon when I was approaching Yuma. I pushed 500 miles from Deming NM and was feeling it last night. Stayed in Yuma to do some things before heading for the organic farmer and the Resevoir to park. Sorry my grandson Andrew can't join me in the vegetable hunt.

The trip was unremarkable as far as the Itasca, but the weather and scenery was very much remarkable. The ice on the ponds in MN turned to waving water in Iowa, parked the first night near the Iowa/Missouri border. Turned west 50 mi north of Kansas City to St Joseph. Checked fluids and the transmission's was low, but I couldn't find a place to add it. Found a mechanic and was told there is only the dip stick hole. The nice southern gentleman added my fluid and also filled the radiator fluid.

Went south on 59 and 4 to Topeka. Skirted it and went west on I-70 to Salina and parked. It got down to 28, the generator and furnace was good. Went south on 56 to Dodge City (memories) and dropped down to 54 to Tucumcari and stayed the night. When I got up in the morning, which was late, the temp outside was 68 and inside was 65. Not bad at all. Continued south on 54 and cut over to Las Cruces and on to Deming to stay the night. It was a lovely 75 when I parked and got up early for the first time this trip to get to Yuma. It's like the horse heading for the barn.

I have to thank my boss, Nancy for getting me out of the office early this year. What a far cry from last year with the ice, etc. Thanks to all who have gifted my with support, there are times when I needed every bit of it! I'm sorry to miss the cousin's Christmas party, but I'll have them all in mind while I basque in the sun.

I hope to hear from anyone who has the time to keep me up on what's going on, Love, Jeanie

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