Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lloyd leaving for Iraq

Hi Everyone,

Cathy here. Lloyd has left to Iraq. Please keep him in your prays for a safe
return home. We are really looking forward to having grandma and grandpa come
stay with us.

I also wanted to let Mary and Jackie know that lloyd played in a breast cancer
awareness golf tournament in their honor while he was home. He got a little
goody bag that I will give to grandma for you guys.

I wish everyone a warm winter up Minnesota.


Monday, August 25, 2008

June and Len

June (Martinson) Gebhart & Leonard Gebhart Invite you to join them on Saturday October 18, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. at St. Geregory The Great Catholic Church, North Branch where they will be receiving a blessing of their marriage. Followed by a reception and dinner at the American Legion Hall, North Branch, Minnesota.

Tomato Jam

Hi Mary.
While at the reunion someone was asking for a recipe for tomato jam.[I think it was one of the D’s]. I have found a recipe from the 1940’s in one of our old cookbooks. Maybe you could pass it along in the chronicle.

Six cups peeled,finely cut tomatoes

Six cups sugar

One lemon,peeled and sliced

Mix tomatoes and sugar and let stand overnight in cool place. In morning add lemon. Cook for two hours, very slowly. Stir frequently to avoid burning. Seal in small, hot jars.

The woman from St Paul, that wrote this, said that she used a heavy aluminum kettle, which also helps prevent burning, and if you needed more information to call her at VA5832. Joe

Living the Dream!

Doris's Party at Christines

Saturday, August 23, 2008

God Bless Gary!!

Lordy, Lordy, Look who's Birthday it is today!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Great News From Diane Massa

I got a bit of good news the other day. I saw both my oncologist and radiologist had my mamo, chest xray and blood work done and I am free and clear of cancer. I also did my first cancer survivors walk on July 19th. It felt so great.
....and then today she writes:
I saw my surgeon today and I'm going to have my chemo port taken out on Sept 2. The last step for me, oh happy days. Dave had hernia surgery today he's doing fine. He'll be off work until Tues. and no golfing for awhile he's kind of bummed about that.

Thanks for the good news Diane, it's nice to know our prayers are working.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

News From Judy and Frank

Family's last big outing in park close by home in Temecula
Cathy pinning on Lloyd's new Major pins

Cathy and Lloyd in Virginia 2008

Hi Mary, just to let you know that Lloyd ( Cathy's Husband ) was promoted to Major while attending school in Roanoke V for his new assignment as a civil affairs officer.Cathy was able to fly out there for the ceremony. He's home now on leave and will leave for Iraq Friday the 22 nd of August. They are spending quality time as a family this week, before he leaves again.
Judy and I are going out to stay and help Cathy with the kids until some time in February, besides we want to get the heck out of Minnesota for the winter anyway. Iv'e seen all my doctors for the rest of the year and feeling better than I have in a long time, and Judy is looking forward to spending some quality time with the grand kids. We will stop in Golden CO first and see Bob and Beth and Kids before venturing out to CA.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Presley is TWO Today!

Presley Kiecker is "2" today!!!
Happy Birthday Presley!
Love, Grandma

CC mailed by snail mail!

Just a note to let you know that I emailed the CC and snailmailed it last Friday/Saturday. If you received both....let me know so I can save the postage. If you didn't get either let me know, so I can figure out why. If you are reading this I assume you have an email I should have you on my list. cce m

Friday, August 15, 2008

Also on the Move!

Mindy (Steve and Lynn Schieber’s daughter and Ray and Doris’s granddaughter) checking in. I just bought a house in Buffalo and would like to be added to the mailing list for the monthly news letter whether it be through the mail of emailed to me, your choice.
Mailing address:

Mindy Schieber

1307 Dale Avenue

Buffalo, MN 55313

Or email:

Thank you,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Home Address for Janet

Janet Gendreau
9134 Holly Lane North
Maple Grove MN 55311

Still working on a phone service. Qwest does not service my area. Checking
into other options.

I have enjoyed all my company that have stopped by to wish me well in my new
HOME and the greenary
is multipling. Thanks to all that have stopped by.

Have a great day.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Note from Phil re: reunion

Hi everyone, the reunion was a lot of fun this year. If you missed it, shame on you. Hats off to all the workers that put it together. I know David had a lot of help being as busy as he always is out there. You guys really did a great job! Terry, those chops were awesome! I took home a half dozen and some potato salad just to eat later.
It was also a lot of fun kicking butt again at softball!
Until next time everyone!
Love ya

Monday, August 4, 2008

Other news from Jackie

I feel a drum roll is necessary....PPIO(Porcelain Painters International
Online) presents a gallery of members paintings on Youtube.....

I hope you like it, now we need to get people looking at it so it might be
an idea to put a link on your websites. i have the html to link it if anyone
wants it

Now I'm going to post it on as many forums etc that i can find, if you have
any ideas where to post it let me know

Friday, August 1, 2008

A Bit of Good News

Hi All: I don't usually send these out, But I feel so good about whats
happening I just had to share.
I think you all know I've been having alot of trouble with my back and
legs. Well after MRI's and appt. after appt. I was finally sent to a pain
clinic. Their first and most appealing thing was an injection of somekind of
fatty tissue with steroids, injected around the spinal cord to cussion the
nerves. I do have disentagrating disks. But that would only be helped by
surgery, Not my options yet. In my opinion. Well I had my first injection on
Wed. He said it would be 3 or 4 days to feel any relief. And I do. I go back
on the 13th, and if I'm still having any problems, they will do 1 more
injection. This I am told may or maynot work. It depends on whether my body
will accept the fatty tissue injected. What it is?? I don't remember what he
called it. This is not a permanent solution, But for now it's starting to
work. He said if it works for me, it might last a year or up to 3. It can be
repeated If my body excepts these treatments. At least I'm walking fairly
good today LOL.
Hope you are all doing well.
Jackie Patton