We can now get into and out of town! There were so many roads closed due to the rain and flooding that it was really a problem. The interstate opened on Wednesday and another major road reopened yesterday with a portion still closed indefinitely. It took us one hour and five minutes to go one mile to get into town on Sunday. So many roads are washed out so there will be major repairs, We were OK here but across the road there was 4 ft of water. When you drive along the streets there many houses with carpet beside the road that had to torn up due to the water. And none covered by insurance because it was a flood. Everyone prayed for the sewer to back up as that would quailfy for insurance coverage! Lots of crops under water so are done for. Montello is still partly closed as the one bridge was closed and splits the town in half. Such is nature, I guess.
We're looking forward to seeing all of you in a couple of weeks. Take care -
Uncle John and Aunt Flo
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