Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Loretta is in the Hospital

Just wanted you all to know that Mom went in to the hospital on Saturday
evening with pains in her side.
On Sunday morning they operated and removed her appendix. She came
through the operation quiet well and she was supposed to go home on
Tuesday, However, yesterday she was in considerable discomfort so they
took more tests and found she has some sort of blockage in her stomach.
They now have a tube down her nose into her stomach to drain some of the
body wastes (crap) that was backing up there. Mom thinks they might
remove the tube today. Elaine flew in on Monday night and is planning to
be around until Sunday so this will be a great help to mom when she does
go home. She said that there is very little pain from the actual
appendix operation so that is good news. She also mentioned that she
hoped this would not get in the way of her going back to MN for the
family reunion...!

She is in Valley Memorial Hospital in Pleasanton and the number is
925-847-3000 room 2404.

Karen wrote this last week....but Loretta has hade more complications (not able to eat solids yet) and is still in the hospital....she would welcome your prayers and calls.

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