Monday, June 30, 2008
Bring Lawn Chairs
I almost forgot, if you have lawn chairs please bring them along....we can use the extra seating....especially for the softball game.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Fireworks have been added!
Jackie Patton and son Matt are going to supply us with a fireworks display when it gets dark Saturday nite, July 12th. T-shirts have been ordered for Country Cousins, Team Theresa and (the Millie/Betty) Teams.....what about the men's team (Eddie/Ray/Joe/John) I did order for Joe and Sandy with my order....cause they wanted shirts and no one else has contacted me. Country Cousins shirts are being done by Barb and Dale, Rita DuFresne has taken on the Millie/Betty Team and I did the Theresa/Loretta shirts. Blue and Yellow have already been used....Rita is picking a color and will let me know asap.
A map will be placed here in the blog next week....I need to scan it at home, and I won't be there till Monday or Tuesday. Things are coming together...can't wait to see everyone. m
A map will be placed here in the blog next week....I need to scan it at home, and I won't be there till Monday or Tuesday. Things are coming together...can't wait to see everyone. m
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Loretta is in the Hospital
Just wanted you all to know that Mom went in to the hospital on Saturday
evening with pains in her side.
On Sunday morning they operated and removed her appendix. She came
through the operation quiet well and she was supposed to go home on
Tuesday, However, yesterday she was in considerable discomfort so they
took more tests and found she has some sort of blockage in her stomach.
They now have a tube down her nose into her stomach to drain some of the
body wastes (crap) that was backing up there. Mom thinks they might
remove the tube today. Elaine flew in on Monday night and is planning to
be around until Sunday so this will be a great help to mom when she does
go home. She said that there is very little pain from the actual
appendix operation so that is good news. She also mentioned that she
hoped this would not get in the way of her going back to MN for the
family reunion...!
She is in Valley Memorial Hospital in Pleasanton and the number is
925-847-3000 room 2404.
Karen wrote this last week....but Loretta has hade more complications (not able to eat solids yet) and is still in the hospital....she would welcome your prayers and calls.
evening with pains in her side.
On Sunday morning they operated and removed her appendix. She came
through the operation quiet well and she was supposed to go home on
Tuesday, However, yesterday she was in considerable discomfort so they
took more tests and found she has some sort of blockage in her stomach.
They now have a tube down her nose into her stomach to drain some of the
body wastes (crap) that was backing up there. Mom thinks they might
remove the tube today. Elaine flew in on Monday night and is planning to
be around until Sunday so this will be a great help to mom when she does
go home. She said that there is very little pain from the actual
appendix operation so that is good news. She also mentioned that she
hoped this would not get in the way of her going back to MN for the
family reunion...!
She is in Valley Memorial Hospital in Pleasanton and the number is
925-847-3000 room 2404.
Karen wrote this last week....but Loretta has hade more complications (not able to eat solids yet) and is still in the hospital....she would welcome your prayers and calls.
Birth Announcement
Mary ( Jindrich ) Helgeson had a babyboy yesterday, June 23 rd. Had a long labor and finally they did a C- Section. Everything's fine - and we're so happy for her and Darren. Some of the details:
Name: Gentry Raymond
Size : 8 lbs. 7 oz.
20 inches
Time: 2:38 pm 6/23
Mary is the daughter of Mary Scheiber and Maury Jindrich, who both passed away in the last two years.
Name: Gentry Raymond
Size : 8 lbs. 7 oz.
20 inches
Time: 2:38 pm 6/23
Mary is the daughter of Mary Scheiber and Maury Jindrich, who both passed away in the last two years.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Reunion Schedule
(See note about the T-shirts along with the softball tournament below)
Friday, July 11
Check in hotel/motel in Monticello (about 10 miles from David and Jenny Scheiber’s Sod farm and home 7162 SE 165th Ave. Becker, MN 55308). I have reserved a block of rooms at the Days Inn, 200 Oakwood Dr. E, Monticelllo. You can call 763 295 1111. They are under the name Schieber Family Reunion
Dinner 7 p.m. at River City Extreme, 3875 School Blvd., Monticello . Broasted Chicken Dinner: Quarter broasted chicken served with mashed potatoes and gravy and a California blend of vegetables. Includes dinner salad, fresh bread and butter with coffee, tea or milk. Cost: $18 per person includes Tax and Tip. A cash bar is available.
Saturday, July 12
8:00 a.m. a golf tournament….Pinewood Golf Course, 14000 182nd Ave, Elk River, MN. Cost: $10.75 per person (Adult/Senior/Junior) Carts available for $8 for two golfers. Jim Spence will be coordinating this event for us.
Lunch and check-in at 11 a.m. at David and Jenny’s (I’m thinking hot dogs and brats)
Mary Jindric Memorial Softball Tournament begins at 1 p.m. If your team would like a T-Shirt contact Mary Kiecker (763-757-2095 or email marykiecker@comcast.net as soon as possible. I would like to order Family Reunion T-Shirts in Four different colors...so each team will have a different color. The shirts will say Schieber/Scheiber Family Reunion 2008
No need to play to have a T-shirt. I am hoping to get them for under $10.
Teams will be formed as follows:
Country Cousins (Uncle Tom’s family)
Team Theresa (Theresa and Loretta’s family) Three Time Champions!!!
Betty’s Brats (Betty and Millie’s family)
The Boys! (Joe/Leo/Ed/Ray and John’s families)
4 p.m. Bocce Ball Tournament hosted by Gary and Kathleen …you can sign up when you get there.
Dinner 5-7 p.m. Pork Chops on the Grill (Donations of desserts appreciated. (Cookies, bars and cake.)) Uncle John is bringing cheese and Jeannie is making a roaster of Beans, the country cousins are supplying potato salad, fruit salad, sweet corn, sloppy joes, etc. So I’m sure no one will go hungry!
7:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony (and maybe sing-a-long and/or karoke)
Sunday, July 13
Breakfast at Dave and Jenny’s Sod Farm to say farewell! 9-11 a.m. Kathleen, Gary, Jim Spence and maybe Joe Schieber will help to serve pancake breakfast for us!
David may have hayrides available and I know he has horseshoe pits for those who would like to do that too. They will have a port-a-potty available as well. There will be something for everyone.
I am trying to come up with a dollar amount to help cover the cost of all the food etc. I don’t want anyone to stay at home because they can’t afford it, but I don’t expect David and Jenny to cover for all of us. So maybe $15 for a single adult, $25 per couple and $40 per family (2 adults and Children 16 and under), this is just a suggestion, any amount will be welcomed. The donation will help cover lunch and dinner on Saturday….as well as breakfast on Sunday a.m. (Dinner on Friday evening and golfing event will not be included in the above amount.)
Please return to: Mary Kiecker, 340 109th Lane NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55448
Or email me at marykiecker@comcast.net
Phone: 763.757.2095/cell 763.247.0162 However I do not have a answering system on the cell so do not try to leave me a message on that line.
Friday, July 11
Check in hotel/motel in Monticello (about 10 miles from David and Jenny Scheiber’s Sod farm and home 7162 SE 165th Ave. Becker, MN 55308). I have reserved a block of rooms at the Days Inn, 200 Oakwood Dr. E, Monticelllo. You can call 763 295 1111. They are under the name Schieber Family Reunion
Dinner 7 p.m. at River City Extreme, 3875 School Blvd., Monticello . Broasted Chicken Dinner: Quarter broasted chicken served with mashed potatoes and gravy and a California blend of vegetables. Includes dinner salad, fresh bread and butter with coffee, tea or milk. Cost: $18 per person includes Tax and Tip. A cash bar is available.
Saturday, July 12
8:00 a.m. a golf tournament….Pinewood Golf Course, 14000 182nd Ave, Elk River, MN. Cost: $10.75 per person (Adult/Senior/Junior) Carts available for $8 for two golfers. Jim Spence will be coordinating this event for us.
Lunch and check-in at 11 a.m. at David and Jenny’s (I’m thinking hot dogs and brats)
Mary Jindric Memorial Softball Tournament begins at 1 p.m. If your team would like a T-Shirt contact Mary Kiecker (763-757-2095 or email marykiecker@comcast.net as soon as possible. I would like to order Family Reunion T-Shirts in Four different colors...so each team will have a different color. The shirts will say Schieber/Scheiber Family Reunion 2008
No need to play to have a T-shirt. I am hoping to get them for under $10.
Teams will be formed as follows:
Country Cousins (Uncle Tom’s family)
Team Theresa (Theresa and Loretta’s family) Three Time Champions!!!
Betty’s Brats (Betty and Millie’s family)
The Boys! (Joe/Leo/Ed/Ray and John’s families)
4 p.m. Bocce Ball Tournament hosted by Gary and Kathleen …you can sign up when you get there.
Dinner 5-7 p.m. Pork Chops on the Grill (Donations of desserts appreciated. (Cookies, bars and cake.)) Uncle John is bringing cheese and Jeannie is making a roaster of Beans, the country cousins are supplying potato salad, fruit salad, sweet corn, sloppy joes, etc. So I’m sure no one will go hungry!
7:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony (and maybe sing-a-long and/or karoke)
Sunday, July 13
Breakfast at Dave and Jenny’s Sod Farm to say farewell! 9-11 a.m. Kathleen, Gary, Jim Spence and maybe Joe Schieber will help to serve pancake breakfast for us!
David may have hayrides available and I know he has horseshoe pits for those who would like to do that too. They will have a port-a-potty available as well. There will be something for everyone.
I am trying to come up with a dollar amount to help cover the cost of all the food etc. I don’t want anyone to stay at home because they can’t afford it, but I don’t expect David and Jenny to cover for all of us. So maybe $15 for a single adult, $25 per couple and $40 per family (2 adults and Children 16 and under), this is just a suggestion, any amount will be welcomed. The donation will help cover lunch and dinner on Saturday….as well as breakfast on Sunday a.m. (Dinner on Friday evening and golfing event will not be included in the above amount.)
Please return to: Mary Kiecker, 340 109th Lane NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55448
Or email me at marykiecker@comcast.net
Phone: 763.757.2095/cell 763.247.0162 However I do not have a answering system on the cell so do not try to leave me a message on that line.
Weather Report from John and Flo
We can now get into and out of town! There were so many roads closed due to the rain and flooding that it was really a problem. The interstate opened on Wednesday and another major road reopened yesterday with a portion still closed indefinitely. It took us one hour and five minutes to go one mile to get into town on Sunday. So many roads are washed out so there will be major repairs, We were OK here but across the road there was 4 ft of water. When you drive along the streets there many houses with carpet beside the road that had to torn up due to the water. And none covered by insurance because it was a flood. Everyone prayed for the sewer to back up as that would quailfy for insurance coverage! Lots of crops under water so are done for. Montello is still partly closed as the one bridge was closed and splits the town in half. Such is nature, I guess.
We're looking forward to seeing all of you in a couple of weeks. Take care -
Uncle John and Aunt Flo
We're looking forward to seeing all of you in a couple of weeks. Take care -
Uncle John and Aunt Flo
Friday, June 6, 2008
Golf Course Set
Well, I finally got this part pinned down too!
We will have our tournament at the Pinewood Golf Course about 10 miles from Monticello off of Hwy 10 and Waco St. Address is 14000 182nd Ave NW, Elk River. It is about 10 miles from the hotel using Hwy 10....however I think by using Cty Rd 30 (Mississippi Rd) it is even closer.
Green Fee will be $10.75 per person (Adult/Senior/Junior) Gas carts can be rented seperately at $8/per cart - each which seat 2, or pull carts at $2 each. Clubs can also be rented for $8. The $10.75 will be collected that morning by Jim Spence and the carts or clubs will have to be done on your own. But that rate will be honored.
I will provide maps for anyone who doesn't have access to a computer on Friday nite.
We will have our tournament at the Pinewood Golf Course about 10 miles from Monticello off of Hwy 10 and Waco St. Address is 14000 182nd Ave NW, Elk River. It is about 10 miles from the hotel using Hwy 10....however I think by using Cty Rd 30 (Mississippi Rd) it is even closer.
Green Fee will be $10.75 per person (Adult/Senior/Junior) Gas carts can be rented seperately at $8/per cart - each which seat 2, or pull carts at $2 each. Clubs can also be rented for $8. The $10.75 will be collected that morning by Jim Spence and the carts or clubs will have to be done on your own. But that rate will be honored.
I will provide maps for anyone who doesn't have access to a computer on Friday nite.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Hotel Setup
Days Inn, Monticello, MN 763.295.1111 reservations are made under the Schieber Reunion. Prices start at $55 I have set aside 10 rooms to start....hopefully we can get more if we need them. The other hotel didn't have rooms for both nights. Now all I have to do is find a golf course....the Stone Bridge Golf course has a disconnected phone number....so I'll check on why and maybe find another place. But things are starting to fall into place. Uncle John and Aunt Loretta have confirmed they will be here.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Dinner Plans
Mary Scheiber helped me find a place for us to eat on Friday, July 11. It's a new spot in Monticello, about 1/2 mile from the Hotels. Don't have the hotel pinned down yet...but I'm working on that too. The restuarant is called the Rapid City Extreme and is attached to a new bowling alley just off 94 and Hwy 25. They have us in a private room and they are emailing me menu choices etc. So please let me know if you are planning on being at the dinner and how many people I need to tell them 1-2 weeks in advance. I will give you more details as they get arranged. m
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