Saturday, January 5, 2008

Lots of news from Wisconsin

Hi Mary
It isn't that we haven't been thinking and saying a prayer for you! I'm glad to hear all is going well for you with setbacks now and then. But they sound like they can be handled. We've had a nice month. Ellen has been home and we will miss her when she leaves on Monday. We had a nice visit with Loretta and hear she is going on a cruise. She is really getting around. I would love to go on a curise but get so motion sick that I don't think we will ever make it. John is doing well after his cataract surgery. He had problems with inflamation afterward and took about 6 weeks to get that controlled and is looking forward to new glasses or no glasses. A friend of ours had a lens implant that corrects for both distance and close vision. Hope that is available when I have to have it! I had another skin cancer surgery. Not much doing except lots of snow as you have , too. We enclosed our deck with patio doors last summer and that really keeps the dining area warmer. Some days it's over 80 on the deck when the sun is shining. John likes to sit in the sun - he and the cat. Glad to hear that all is going well. Take care - John and Florence
Florence forwarded me this comment:
Friday night JR and I went to Colfax to a new pizza/Italian place. Right on Main Street (west side).
They are open 7 days a week and have WONDERFUL FOOD.
Please try to patronize this business sometime when you are in the area.
Lets help them succeeded in business.
Be sure to try the garlic cheese bread appetizer, the best I've ever had!
Curtis "Curtie" Harrison1118 18th AveBloomer WI 54724

So that prompted the question if Anne owned the restaurant? And this was her comments:

Anne owns the restaurant. She and her friend, Rick, gutted a building and remodeled it and my niece, who is an art teacher painted the murals’ on the walls. She makes all of her own bread and pizza crust as well as her sauces, etc. She has pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, chicken alfredo, etc. She has excellent salad with her homemade dressing. She doesn't have a bar, but you can have beer or wine. She is just starting into deli items - cheese trays, etc. This more information than you need, but I just thought I'd give you a little background. Florence

I think we need to make a road trip. Sounds great! m

1 comment:

Judy Gendreau Vermeulen, CC Editor said...

Mary, Last fall Butch, Mom and I took a road trip to Annie's restaurant and met John and Flo there. We sampled many of the items on the menu and everything was wonderful. It was worth the trip, plus we got to visit Annie and Rick. Pat