hi all, guess what, the genertator went out again sun morn, doing the same thing starting up and dying right away. it was 3 weeks ago he tore it all apart and replaced brushes, etc. but couldn't get the rotors out/rusted in. he sanded them down best he could and it ran fine for 2 weeks. well now it's replace it and spend a week around yuma. maybe fri or more likely mon. sun afternoon, i packed up and came in and parked at the onon service place. spent most of mon waiting till he had time to look at mine. got the word it'll have to be replaced as soon as they can get one shipped in. today, i spent doing a little shopping and going out to the organic farm that i found. got all my pickings cleaned and in my great new fridge and am going to see a comedy at the movie theatre tonight. had plans to go to lake havasu city to visit some old friends, the neumans, but with this new expense, i'm gonna just stick around hot springs for my duration down here. i've kind of gone over budget for this trip and then some with the tires and fridge before i left, then the transmission and park break in the ice storm of ks, plus the generator that didn't get looked at till yuma and now replacing it. i will be real happy to spend feb and mar resting up for the trip back!! hopefully aunt doris will be going back with me, i'm sure we will have a good time whatever happens, if she still wants to risk the trip.
other than a few bumps in the road, all is well with me and i'm happy to be in the sun instead of cold mn.
hope this finds all of you well and warm as can be, love jmp
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