Well, gang this is the beginning of our BLOG. I hope this works well for all of you computer literate cousins and those that just know how to read email. Eric (Kathleen's eldist) suggested I try it....so here goes!
I think I will have it set up so you can add comments to be read by all, and I will post any emails or letters I get by snail mail. I will continue to mail the CC to those who don't have internet access. So the postman will stay in business too!
Please feel free to post your own comments or info you'd like the family to read. Wish me Luck! m, CC Editor
Okay, I lied.....here is a few of the letters I received:
First is from Aunt Flo and Uncle John
There is not a lot of activity here. Portage is pretty quiet. Anne has opened an Italian food and pizza place in Colfax, WI. It is really cute. She calls it "A LITTLE slice of ITALY" or Little Italy. MY niece from Boyceville has painted a murel on one wall and a portrait of the Sopranos on another wall. Pizza is all homemade and really good.
We really enjoyed our visit with Loretta. It was so hot we didn't get to do a couple things we planned but we kept busy.
John's eye is really gaining vision after his last eye surgery so he hopes to be back to doing his stained glass when he's fitted with new glasses in a month or two. Then on to getting a small cataract removed which is nothing, compared to ;the other surgery! I keep doing quilting - have lots lined up for Christmas. I quilt with five other "girls" - they are old enough to be my kids - but I enjoy it. This summer I have been demonstrating a theater organ at the Al Ringling Theater in Baraboo - about 16 miles from here. That is my fun job. They have tours of the theater and I play one time a week. If ever you get to Baraboo in the summer it is worth a theater tour. It's small but beautiful. The Ringling Circus was headquartered in Baraboo.
The following is from Janet:
What a great time had by all. Vegas with the girl cousins fifteen years later was almost as fun as the first time. At least this time most of us remembered it. I can't say enough for how well planned and organized everything was. Denise did a fantastic job. Sandy has volunteered to host the next one. I have my bags packed. Just need to know where and when.
My cousins are the best in the whole world to party with. They are some very funny people for cousins.
The “Slot Tournament” drew quite the attention. People were asking how much we were winning. We didn’t. We just yelled every time someone hit the button. It sounded like we were winning.
Everyone at “Margarita Ville” bar was celebrating in costume. Mary won the prize for a parrot on her shoulder and sunglasses with a parrot on one side and a palm tree on the other. Love those Margarita's!
The birthday bash in our room was the best. Kathleen’s husband Gary had champagne delivered to our room. When the knock came at the door, everyone thought it was security. We may have been a little on the loud side. It was just like the movies when we opened the door and the guy in a hotel suit had his table with champagne on it wrapped in a white cloth. I was either Ginger Rogers or Kate Star. Not sure which one. But it was soooo cool to open that door. Kathleen got the honors of signing for it. THANKS GARY!!
What we did in Vegas has to stay in Vegas ....so I can't tell you that Mary was named after her Dad's girlfriend and Debbie was named after her Dad's boyfriend. (only the girls will get that joke!)
Toby Keith’s dance hall was a blast. Everyone was on the dance floor including Aunt Loretta. My ears are still hurting from the loudness but what fun. They did a whole rendition of Johnny Cash songs. Funny how everyone knew the words?
We all had our chance at going topless at the adult pool. Most of us didn’t want to embarrass those young girls that all the guys were ogling. Well, most of us except Debbie.
I had a great time and so many good laughs.
Thanks cousins for the memories.
P.S. Joe we really missed you.
Love Janet
I think I will have it set up so you can add comments to be read by all, and I will post any emails or letters I get by snail mail. I will continue to mail the CC to those who don't have internet access. So the postman will stay in business too!
Please feel free to post your own comments or info you'd like the family to read. Wish me Luck! m, CC Editor
Okay, I lied.....here is a few of the letters I received:
First is from Aunt Flo and Uncle John
There is not a lot of activity here. Portage is pretty quiet. Anne has opened an Italian food and pizza place in Colfax, WI. It is really cute. She calls it "A LITTLE slice of ITALY" or Little Italy. MY niece from Boyceville has painted a murel on one wall and a portrait of the Sopranos on another wall. Pizza is all homemade and really good.
We really enjoyed our visit with Loretta. It was so hot we didn't get to do a couple things we planned but we kept busy.
John's eye is really gaining vision after his last eye surgery so he hopes to be back to doing his stained glass when he's fitted with new glasses in a month or two. Then on to getting a small cataract removed which is nothing, compared to ;the other surgery! I keep doing quilting - have lots lined up for Christmas. I quilt with five other "girls" - they are old enough to be my kids - but I enjoy it. This summer I have been demonstrating a theater organ at the Al Ringling Theater in Baraboo - about 16 miles from here. That is my fun job. They have tours of the theater and I play one time a week. If ever you get to Baraboo in the summer it is worth a theater tour. It's small but beautiful. The Ringling Circus was headquartered in Baraboo.
The following is from Janet:
What a great time had by all. Vegas with the girl cousins fifteen years later was almost as fun as the first time. At least this time most of us remembered it. I can't say enough for how well planned and organized everything was. Denise did a fantastic job. Sandy has volunteered to host the next one. I have my bags packed. Just need to know where and when.
My cousins are the best in the whole world to party with. They are some very funny people for cousins.
The “Slot Tournament” drew quite the attention. People were asking how much we were winning. We didn’t. We just yelled every time someone hit the button. It sounded like we were winning.
Everyone at “Margarita Ville” bar was celebrating in costume. Mary won the prize for a parrot on her shoulder and sunglasses with a parrot on one side and a palm tree on the other. Love those Margarita's!
The birthday bash in our room was the best. Kathleen’s husband Gary had champagne delivered to our room. When the knock came at the door, everyone thought it was security. We may have been a little on the loud side. It was just like the movies when we opened the door and the guy in a hotel suit had his table with champagne on it wrapped in a white cloth. I was either Ginger Rogers or Kate Star. Not sure which one. But it was soooo cool to open that door. Kathleen got the honors of signing for it. THANKS GARY!!
What we did in Vegas has to stay in Vegas ....so I can't tell you that Mary was named after her Dad's girlfriend and Debbie was named after her Dad's boyfriend. (only the girls will get that joke!)
Toby Keith’s dance hall was a blast. Everyone was on the dance floor including Aunt Loretta. My ears are still hurting from the loudness but what fun. They did a whole rendition of Johnny Cash songs. Funny how everyone knew the words?
We all had our chance at going topless at the adult pool. Most of us didn’t want to embarrass those young girls that all the guys were ogling. Well, most of us except Debbie.
I had a great time and so many good laughs.
Thanks cousins for the memories.
P.S. Joe we really missed you.
Love Janet
This is very cool. I am probably the first person to view this.
Hi Mary
This is really cool. I like it alot.
I have got to tell you that I agree with Janet that the Vegas trip was amazing and that we all had such a great time.
Denise did do an awesome job with everything she did and to Dianne for all the help she with Densie once we arrived. Love Ya Dar
Hey Mary: This is great. The pictures are in color. And I can read the print. Good Job. THANK YOU
Mary, this is so great and even me with my very limited computer knowledge can figure it out. I'm sure I missed a great trip with all the girl cousins, maybe next time. I'm eager to hear more of what " can" be talked about if anything.
Love ya
I wrote a whole note and then had to get a new account. Lost everthing.
Too tired to repeat it. Glade you all had a grand time. Hope to hear more at Starbucks in CA tomorrow. Drove by today with Aleesa in car and she popped up "Is Denise going to be there?" I guess I have her trained and we were going next door for gas.
This is great! Love the pictures - sharp and in color. Great Job Mary!
Sounds like Vegas was a blast. Maybe I'll be able to join you one of these days.
Love to all, Sharon
This is absolutely amazing! What a great way to get updates. I can blog and see how our family is doing! What a great idea.
loved Vegas big hugs to all who came and made it so fun and special...
loving the CC via the internet. Excellent idea!! great photo!!
sue marie
This is great. Janet is right on about Vegas, and yes I'm it for the next trip. Denise is going to be a hard act to follow. I am going to try for 3 years instead of 5 (we are not getting any younger regardless of what anyone says) and also a change of location -- Maybe Atlanta -- lots to do and easy in and easy out. I'm open for suggestions.
Dear Sis.......this is a terrific idea, I love it!
I wanted to thank all of you for my 60th birthday comments.......and remember that now that I'm an "elder" I'd like some respect!
I had so much fun in Vegas with Aunt Loretta and all of the cousins...it was wonderful seeing all of you who came along. Thanks especially to Denise for planning such a wonderful event. And thanks also to my "perfect" roommates......Mary, Janet and Jeannie. We were a perfect 4-some except for that 4:00a.m. giggling which ended by someone sliding off the bed and getting stuck between the bed and the wall.......so much for respecting our "elders", Jeannie is absolutely out of control at 4:00 a.m........or was it the brandy?
I had the best time, while I also had the worst luck of my life. Everytime I sat down at a machine (next to Mary) I'd lose and she'd win......and this happened the whole time we were there. On a positive note, however, we didn't get shot at during breakfast at Caesar's Palace (I guess that happened the following Saturday).
After the birthday bash everyone went down to the casino for a high limit "Community Chest" where any money won is shared by all who contributed..........and that was the one time during the "slut" tournaments that they really made some cash..........I, however, wasn't involved in that win because I'd volunteered to stay up in the room and clean it up after the birthday party.........believe me, I pleaded with the wicked-stepcousins to share with me ... to no avail.......even Loretta sided with those slut tournamenters.....hrumpft!!!!!!
Speaking of Loretta, she seemed to dance just fine on the Toby Keith's dancefloor without her walker (I think she uses that just for sympathy).
I hope even more of us attend next year.....it's a blast!!!
Love you all, Kathleen
Hi Mary,
Love the Blog. I think this is one of the best things for the CC.
Mary, thanks for putting this all together.
Love Ellen
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