My father-in-law, George Weimer, was care-flighted to the Mayo Hospital in Rochester, MN this evening. He has an intracranial blockage or rupture (I'm not actually sure which - Kevin was with me in the ER and it was upsetting to say the least) and is unconscious. Kevin and I arrived about an hour after Tom followed his mom and dad in the ambulance. Around 5 pm Tom's mom called him and asked him to next door and help her get his dad downstairs as he wasn't feeling good. When Tom arrived his dad was complaining of a very bad headache. They struggled to get him downstairs, by the time they did he was sweating, vomiting and no longer talking. They called 911. By the time the paramedics arrived George (father-in-law) was unconscious. They were shouting his name, asking him questions and telling him to squeeze their hand. He was unresponsive. By the time I arrived with Kevin at the hospital Tom's youngest sister - Jane, his brother - Mike, and Mike's wife Stacey were there with Tom and his mom. It was a very sad scene to say the least. Poor Kevin. I didn't know what I was walking him into but when Tom called and said the helicopter was on it's way I knew it was bad. Tom asked if I wanted to see George before they took him. I asked Kevin if he wanted to go with me and he said yes. So we went together. Tom is on his way right now driving his mom and sister Jane to Rochester. They could not let his mom fly in the helicopter. I guess there isn't room. Tom's oldest sister Sue is driving over from Milwaukee and his other sister Beth can't fly in till Friday from California. I couldn't tell her that it may be too late by then. I also had to call Jake and tell him. Which was gut wrenching. I then called Tom's mother's brother and sister-in-law in Atlanta. I asked Tom's uncle if he'd call my mother-in-law's other brother.
So if you could pray for the Weimer family, especially for George, I would greatly appreciate it. He's a good man. And his family is understandably a train wreck right now.
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