Thursday, February 25, 2010

Update from the Dessert

Hi All, Just a note to check in with everyone. Heard from Tori and see it's been 3 weeks since last update. In that time, Frank has been moved out of ICU at U of M and is now at Bathesda in St Paul for assistance in gaining strength and getting off the vent. He has definitely turned the corner and is recovering. My cousin Mary suffered severe effects from the first chemo treatment, but is now building up for another round this coming week. My aunt Loretta had another heart problem and now has a stint installed for her relief. All of these concerns of mine seem to be doing well and I am grateful.

I expected to stay on this spot near Imperial Dam, but have been watching too much Olympics and have run my gas tank down, besides supplies, etc. So am going to town in a day or two and spend a few days preparing for the trip back (Oil change, hair cut, supplies, etc). I checked with the landlord back home in BP to see about snow depth, and he said 1-2 feet and melting. So, will be checking weather for departure for the north, but in the meantime, I am going back to the hot springs for those long hot showers. I'm thinking I will try to get on the road around mid-Mar.

The rains have greened up the desert, the ocotilla are so green and bushy with the bright orange blooms, the beaver tail take forever and have not blossomed out yet. The wild flowers have not come out yet either, but, I expect to see their blooms along the interstate on the way over to the hot springs. It is still very early, but, we had more rain lately.

I hope all of you are doing well and am looking forward to seeing some of you soon, love, Jeanie

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Message from Kim and Tom Weimer

To all our dear cousins,

Thank you all for the emails, prayers and concern. We have received them, read them, and greatly appreciate them. Just been a very long sad week. Yesterday was a rough day. It was one week to the day yesterday. I think it was especially hard on Tom as he was with his dad in the end. His parents live next door and every night when he walks our dog he looks up to see his dad's room is dark where there use to always be a light on. Today our son had to fly back to Seattle as he has to get back to school. Wish he could have stayed longer. It's going to take some time, things will never be the same, but as they say, time heals all wounds.

All our thanks,
Kim & Tom Weimer

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sympathy Sent

With a heavy heart I am sorry to say my father-in-law passed away. There was nothing the doctors at Mayo could do for him when he arrived. My husband is now driving his mother and sister back from Rochester, MN. I just tucked in a very distraught 16 year old (Kev) and am still trying to reach Jake.

If you could pray for my husband's family to get through this terrible loss I would greatly appreciate it.

Love to all,

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Prayer Request

My father-in-law, George Weimer, was care-flighted to the Mayo Hospital in Rochester, MN this evening. He has an intracranial blockage or rupture (I'm not actually sure which - Kevin was with me in the ER and it was upsetting to say the least) and is unconscious. Kevin and I arrived about an hour after Tom followed his mom and dad in the ambulance. Around 5 pm Tom's mom called him and asked him to next door and help her get his dad downstairs as he wasn't feeling good. When Tom arrived his dad was complaining of a very bad headache. They struggled to get him downstairs, by the time they did he was sweating, vomiting and no longer talking. They called 911. By the time the paramedics arrived George (father-in-law) was unconscious. They were shouting his name, asking him questions and telling him to squeeze their hand. He was unresponsive. By the time I arrived with Kevin at the hospital Tom's youngest sister - Jane, his brother - Mike, and Mike's wife Stacey were there with Tom and his mom. It was a very sad scene to say the least. Poor Kevin. I didn't know what I was walking him into but when Tom called and said the helicopter was on it's way I knew it was bad. Tom asked if I wanted to see George before they took him. I asked Kevin if he wanted to go with me and he said yes. So we went together. Tom is on his way right now driving his mom and sister Jane to Rochester. They could not let his mom fly in the helicopter. I guess there isn't room. Tom's oldest sister Sue is driving over from Milwaukee and his other sister Beth can't fly in till Friday from California. I couldn't tell her that it may be too late by then. I also had to call Jake and tell him. Which was gut wrenching. I then called Tom's mother's brother and sister-in-law in Atlanta. I asked Tom's uncle if he'd call my mother-in-law's other brother.

So if you could pray for the Weimer family, especially for George, I would greatly appreciate it. He's a good man. And his family is understandably a train wreck right now.
