Monday, March 30, 2009

Jeanie's Antics

Hi all, just a note to let you know, nothing is broken or fractured, just out of position.

When the bike went out from under me on the desert rough road, I went down hard on the bad sciatic side. Pushed the pelvic bone into the pubic bone and caused pain and lack of skeletal support on that side.

Dr Martin says decompression will do the most good, along with manipulation and massage.

I hope to be up to no good in no time at all. Thanks for all the support, Love, Jeanie

Friday, March 27, 2009

More Grandbabies born in March

John & Karin Upwood had a baby girl on March 11, 2009. Name is Lenore Virginia Scott Upwood. Weighed 7 lbs. and 19 inches long. She's beautiful!!!!

Of course, I'm a proud great-aunt as John & Karin gave her my name for her middle name. She is the granddaughter of Sharon and John Upwood.

Schieber Miracle Prayers Needed

Mary - I need the family to pray for Charlie's sister Joyce. She's 57 years old and just found out she has melanoma in her breast, liver, lungs, hip, bones etc. This is stage 4 cancer.

I figure the Schieber prayers have worked for several family members so I thought I see if it could help Joyce.

I did tell her about you and how the miracle of prayer helped you!


This is Chuck and Ginny Martinson, Ginny is the youngest daughter of Leo and Barb Schieber.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More Babies and a new Great Grandfather

Bill and Carol's granddaughter (daughter of Dan Schoenecker) had a baby boy yesterday March 23, 2009 Dakota Lee son of Kayla Schoenecker Congrats to all.


I'm homebound and hope to miss as much weather as I can along the way. Left Yuma Monday afternoon, Tuesday turned north at Las Cruces NM, Wednesday will be headed north on US Hwy 54 up to Topeka KS, then up I-35. Hope to be home before the weekend. Hope everyone is well and ready for spring! Love, Jeanie

Monday, March 23, 2009

Jeff and Theresa would like to present:

We're so happy and blessed to announce...

Our little Luke Giorgio Gendreau
was born Thursday, March 19th at 8:41pm,
weighing 7 lbs., 10 oz.,
19 inches long, and
17 days early

"Children are a gift from the Lord..." (Psalm 127)

We've been asked many times where we came up with Giorgio for a middle name. If you're interested, here's a link to some info on who he's named after...someone we think is a good example for Luke:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

March Snow in Georgia

The Farm in March, 2009 -- Pictures of the snow storm we were hit with
this past weekend. Snow is still on the ground and not all the broken
trees have been cleared away from the roads yet. Temp is suppose to get
into the 70's this weekend.

Joe and Sandi

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Back From Sedona

Hi all, I had a great time in Sedona, Dar picked me up at the airport and I stayed one nite with her and Cathie, then they drove me to Sedona the next day. I spent 3 weeks with my friend Bonnie Sass. We attended the Sedona film Festival and saw 3 great shows there, and saw 5 more films during the time I was there. I also read 4 books and started the 5th....I highly recommend "The Shack" and "The Last Lecture" but have your Kleenex ready. I hiked 6 great trails and saw lots of flowers in bloom, had a great massage, went to Tai Chi twice a week, went to water aerobics a couple times and went to the St. Patricks Day Parade and got autograph on Banners from the Arizona Cardinals Football team for my grandsons too! Got some sun, a few muscles back in shape and a lot of healing done. When I left Sedona I had my Schoenecker Cousins pick me up at the airport and take me out for lunch, so I renewed my relationship with them as well.
It was a great trip....but now I am looking forward to the next....I leave March 31, for Salt Lake, where my sister lives, and I will be joining them in welcoming my cousins from Switzerland. Karen and Reudi hosted us last May, so we are returning the favor....but only for 1 week. We will take them to Moab, Bryce and Zion National Parks in Utah, and then on to Vegas where they will meet friends from Canada. What fun!! I can't wait. m


Hi all, I just heard from Debbie that Mark is getting home from Kuwait today. They are taking the kids and going to Florida for time off together. The sad news is that soon after they get back, Mark is off to Afghanistan for another 4-6 weeks. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

I guess hibernation time is over here in the desert. The small rock hill in front of my MH is alive with lizards. They come out in the afternoon on these 90's degree days, scamper around, and sun themselves on the hot rocks. While biking yesterday, I saw, upclose, a diamond-back-coon-tail rattlesnake. A couple that was walking stopped me and told me the snake was just ahead, moving toward my direction on the side of the road. He scampered off into the desert as I, slowly, approached on my bike. It was about 3' long and 1.5" wide, diamond design on the back, with racoon colored strips at the tail end, plus the rattle. What a sight, I've only seen a couple other snakes out here, but never a rattler.

Also, the butterflies are passing through in swarms. I suppose they are coming from Mexico and headed for MN. Hope they have some leaves to land on.

I hate to leave all of this, but am getting eager to be back in MN. I'm watching and will try to time it so that I sneak through the weather fronts that keep moving from west to east. Maybe, some time next week.

I hope ya'll are well.

Love, Jeanie

Monday, March 9, 2009

Prayers Needed

Hi Mary,
Hope all is well. I need a favor from the family. I need prayers for Pandora's brother-in-law. I am enlisting the most powerful people I know along with anybody that can pray.
Pandora's brother-in-laws name is John Marra. His birthdate is May 29th and the name of his cancer is CNS Lymphoma. John is 57 and the father of two. The town they live in is Belmont, California. John was diagnosed May 11, 2008. After treatment last year his symptoms receded. John's symptoms have returned and he is undergoing chemotherapy. This is a rare, aggressive cancer and at this point a miracle is needed to save his life. I've heard miracles can happen. Love, Mike and Pandora