Saturday, February 28, 2009

Back to the Boondocks

Hi All,

Springtime is happening fast and early in the desert SW. It's been 5 weeks since I've been to this spot and what a difference. The ocotilla and beaver tail cactus and many wild flowers are in full bloom. The rain that fell in Dec and Jan is having it's effects. And, the turkey hawks are back and are interesting to watch. A few of them start circling on the wind currents, then they are joined with others untill there are a couple dozen of them going up into the sky.

I felt so relieved to get back out in the boondocks after spending another week in Yuma. My same old site was vacant out on the point overlooking the resevoir. I drove up, parked, turned off the ignition and said AHHHHHHHHHH.

While in Yuma, they had to pull out the furnace and replace a switch. I'll probably need that in MN. The generator was another story. The warranty service center I was referred to in Yuma was a joke. It was a dumpy old place, filled to the brim with clutter, the guy was slow as molasses in Jan (in MN). The only other place out here was in Phoenix. I opted to go to my old Onan generator man. He thought he might be able to fix the oil leak unless it was an internal thing. Well, you guessed it, it would have to have an entire overhaul. This guy used to be a service center for Generac, but the last two times he did work for them, he got stiffed. He said this oil problem has been hapening often with the Generac.

I did not want to go to Phoenix and spend a week up there, and I did not want to contend with further problems with a 'looser' generator. So, I asked Sean (Onan man) to please replace this with an Onan generator. I put in a 4000 Onan, replacing a 6500 Generac at my own expense. Fuel consumption will be less, it takes less battery power to start it, It runs quieter, and it is better quality, and my life will be simpler. I just won't be able to run both front and back A/C's at the same time.

Judy and Denise left me with a kitchen full of treats, some from Trader Joe's, my favorite. It was so good to spend time with them. It seems that I was left with full cupboads after all of my company including Trish and Susan and the Canadian girls. They all have such good tastes in food! Anyway, I have not had to do much grocery shoping.

Well, I have less than one month left and it is getting up to 90's tomorrow. Guess it's time for the snowbird to think about heading north to MN springtime. See ya'll soon.

Love, Jeanie

Springtime in the Dessert

Hi All,

Just a note to let you know what's going on with me.

Aunt Millie died over the weekend, and will be greatly missed by all of us cousins. Aunt Lorretta and Uncle John are the only ones left in my mother's family.

It's really warming up now, been in the 80's. I'm soaking as much of it up as I can to keep from freezing in MN in April. The purple wildflowers are showing up on the hillsides now and more blooms will be following soon.

This week I'll be spending in Yuma getting work done on the generator and the furnace. I'll be heading back out to the Resevoir for the rest of the time left. I hope I can get my projects done in time, or else they'll have to wait till next year. With moving to a new unit, there's always something. I keep working out my sciatic stuff, some days are better than others.

I hope all of you are doing well, am anxious to see everybody.

Love, Jeanie

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mildred M Huber

Huber, Mildred M. Age 91 of Bloomington. Preceded in death by husband, Edgar. Survived by 5 children, Pat (Butch) Pelava, Edward (Sharon), Michael, Buck, Rita (Lee) DuFresne; 9 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren; brother, John (Florence) Schieber and sister, Loretta Hauge. Mass of Christian Burial Tuesday 10 AM at the Church of the Nativity of Mary, 9900 Lyndale Ave. So. Interment Fort Snelling National Cemetery. Visitation Monday 5-8 PM at Gill Brothers Funeral Chapel, 9947 Lyndale Ave. So. and one hour prior to mass at church. GILL BROTHERS BLOOMINGTON 952-888-7771 (These are a couple of the last pictures I have of Aunt Millie.....the first is of her 90th birthday at the Cousins Christmas Party....and the other was of Millie with John and Loretta at the family reunion last summer. Now their are only two of the eleven. I'm sure they are having a good time in heaven.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Millie Died

At 9:30 this a.m.,Feb. 21, Aunt Millie died....I do not have details of the funeral arrangements, but will update you as soon as I get it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Debbies Visit to see Millie.

Deb was up to see Aunt Millie today. Brought her a Junior Cheeseburger and she perked up enough to eat half of her burger.
Deb told her that everyone says hi, they love her, and that we are all praying for her.

Her reply was "Tell everyone I love them too."

Ed mentioned to Deb that was the most she had perked up in days. It wasn't long and Aunt Millie went into a blank stare.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Curling Anyone?

Hi Mary
How is everything in Minneapolis? We were through there on Saturday night on the train. Our granddaughters curled for 10 days at Devils Lake, ND (no one takes a vacation in Devils Lake, ND in the Winter!) for the National Junior Curling Championships. Randi, who is 19 and attends the UW, skipped (ran the team) for Wisconsin 2. Alex, who is 16 and a junior in high school, was on the Minnesota 2 rink. Of course, Grandma and Grandpa went along. It was a long week of curling as we watched both teams - about 18 games in 8 days. The Randi Schieber rink placed 3rd and the The Solem Rink from Duluth - which is Alex's rink placed 4th. Rusty,our son, is coach for Randi's rink. The Junior champion was the Minnesota 1 rink who advances to World's at Vancouver. Rusty set up the computers so the games could be broadcast live.
Rusty left for Vancouver as soon as we got home as he is coach of the US champion wheelchair curling rink who is playing in the World Para-olympic Games in Vancouver. These games can be followed on Rusty may have live boadcasts on the cumputer at this site.
Randi's rink played in the playdown's for the US Olympic Team but didn't make it.
The state HS championships for Alex, who is skip, are this weekend so we will be going to them - then curling rests for the year.
Other than curling, all is going well.

Take care, Mary. Uncle John and Aunt Florence

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Janet, Tina and Reudi Feb. 12

All three have birthdays on the 12th and my son Tom and his wife Karen will be celebrating their anniversary as must be a very special day. Happy Day to all of you. m

Hi, a picture of Castle Dome and, of course, my new MH. Trish, Susan and I enjoyed the area very much. We pretty much had the area to our selves except for daytime hikers and 4wheelers. We had campfires nightly, listened to the coyotes howl, and the weather was perfect the whole time. Jeanie

Friday, February 6, 2009

Note from Rita Friday evening

Mom has pretty much stopped eating now and is sleeping most of the time. She is still drinking some. They have her on anti anxiety drugs, and morephine. She is resting comfortably.

I do not have to tell you the process. I know you have been throught it. Our family is at peace with it, it is what is best for her now. 91 years is a long time.
