Friday, January 30, 2009

Update of those who need prayers:

Aunt Loretta fell in her apartment last week, and was hospitalized. Aunt Millie is in hospice care, she has only one kidney working but it is only working at 10%....however, she is eating better. I don't have an update on Jackie...but she will have surgery next week. Niva, Richards wife is still in the hospital and is riding the rollercoaster of ups and downs.
My back is better (recovering from a muscle strain in my low back). I plan on leaving for Chicago for the next week to play with my Naperville grandkids.
The 23rd of February I will fly to Arizona for three weeks in the sun. Keep the prayers coming.

News from Arizona

Hi All, just a note to catch up. Glad to be back at the hot springs to soak out the aches and pains for awhile. Still enjoying my new motorhome and the warm weather.

My good friends, Trish and Susan were a welcome sight for me and we had such a good time. We all divided the chores and lived like queens of the desert. Of course, we hated to part and my solitude isn't quite the same. I'm looking forward to friends from Canada coming for a few days, and also my sister Judy and cousin Denise coming for a visit. I am sooooooooo fortunate and blessed!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Update on Jackie Patton

Hi All: I just wanted to give you an update on Me. I will be having back
surgery, on Feb 6th. I am going in for a Laminectomy (sp) where they remove
pieces of the spine to let the nerves move more freely. At the time, the
doctor is there, He will make the decision, of weather he should do a fusion
of the spine. Either way I will ask for your prayers, to guide his hands,
and judgement. This doctor has come highly recomended, by my family doctor
of over 20 yr.s and the pain clinic doctor. They both know his work well.

Jackie Patton

Millie being moved to Hospice

I talked to Ed Huber this a.m. and said that Millie's kidney's are shutting down and she has requested to die in peace. So This is a special request from Millie:

Millie has been on the beads for years praying for everyone in their time of
need. Today she has asked if people would be so kind as to pray for her.

Please keep Millie and her family in your prayers. I will try to keep you informed....but I know your phones will all be buzzing, and you may be quicker than me at getting any news out.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Party Time

My serenity is coming to a halt next Sunday. My dear friend Tricia and her sister Susan are coming out for 2 weeks. I am soooooooo looking forward to them and we are going to have such a good time! We are going to park at Castle Dome mountain, and I may not have great reception for cell or broadband. So, I may be out of touch for a while.

The next week after they depart, I will be going to the Hot Tub area by Holtville. Friends from Canada will be staying with me for a few days there, and Judy and Denise are planning on coming to visit, also.

Excitment has come to the desert, and I get to go shopping and get stocked up. Georgetown is going to serve me and all my guests, all very well.

Hope the snow isn't piling up too high there in MN, and that spring will come soon for you.

Also, Mark is leaving for Kuwait again and hope you will keep him and his family in your thoughts/prayers for 2 months, again.

Love, Jeanie

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pickled Fish?

Hi Joe and Sandy:
I know that it's been a long time since we had the conversation, but
here is the recipe for the pickled fish. My sister-in-law, Sue says
that she uses Northern, which might not be available in GA, so she
suggested any other firm white fish, such as orange roughy, cod, maybe
halibut. If there is anything you don't understand about the recipe,
you can call her at 763-529-8294, afternoons after 4PM, PST is best for
reaching her. I hope that you enjoy this as much as I did. It's the
only way she will eat pickled fish, such as herring, which she says is
too mushy. I'm passing along the tomato jam recipe to her and sorry
to say, I haven't tried it yet, but maybe tomorrow! Hope all is well
and Happy New Year.

Pickled Fish

For pickling solution, in a glass or tupperware container (don't use
metal) with a tight lid combine 5/8 cup (a rounded 1/2 cup)
canning/pickling salt per quart of fish to be canned with white vinegar
to cover. Increase the amounts as needed, depending upon how much fish
you will pickle. Stir together and continue stirring to dissolve the
salt, while preparing the fish. To prepare fish, cut into cubes, about
1 in square and make sure that they're free of bones.
Add the fish to the pickling solution and be sure to cover tightly.
Store in refrigerator and soak fish for 5 days, taking the container
out of the fridge and shaking once per day to dissolve salt.
After FIVE days, take fish out of refrigerator and pour into a
colander. Rinse under cold water for 30 minutes.

You're now ready to pack the fish into quart jars ( old pickle jars
work too). Before you put the fish in jars, prepare the brine.
Mix 2 parts of vinegar to 1 part sugar( or slightly less) and heat to
dissolve the sugar. The amount you make, depends upon the amount of
fish you are using. This mixture should be cooled to about room
temperature when you are ready to use.

Pack the fish into the jars, using a layer of fish, then a layer of
onion (Sue uses yellow hamburger onions) and repeat until the jar is
half full. Add 2 rounded Tbsps. of whole pickling spices in each jar,
which you can leave loose or tie up in a bit of cheesecloth.
Pour brine into the jar, wipe edges well and put a double layer of
saran wrap over jar to prevent rust. Add the ring and lid.
Refrigerate for at least two weeks before eating. This fish can last
for 6-9 months. Sue replaces the saran wrap after a while to keep the
lids from rusting.

New Day and New Year


BEHIND THE MORNING,,, Joseph Priestley (1733-1804)

Denise....I love that quote. That's one to live by. m

Happy New Year!

May the warmth I am fortunate enough to be enjoying, reach all of you through these wishes.

Out with the OLD and in with the NEW!

2008 has been a year of healing for me. Dealing with Fran's death has taken a lot of my energy, until I was able to identify that I was carrying around a heavy guilt. For me, it was the guilt from not being able to save her. In facing up to this, I also realized I had been carrying this same guilt around for Brian for 25 years before.

I have begun to turn this guilt into a great joy and gratitude for having had both Fran and Brian in my life for as long as I did. They were each extremely powerful in their own ways, and I am the better because of them.

2009 is going to be better for me, may it be for all of you, too.

HAPPY 2009, may it be the best ever!!!!!!! Jeanie