Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Getting Closer!

Today I was at Togo. Immediately I was sent back in time.
They're right on the time zone line. Very small town.
I talked with a couple of ladies there and they said the township on the document is not near Togo but didn't know exactly where it was.
The document also says Joe Schieber OF walkerburn. They pointed that out to me but then said that could be because the post office was there. That town is gone but they said someone now lives in what used to be the post office.
One of the ladies remembered a school that burned down and said there was nothing left of it.
They directed me to a library in Roblin Manatoba where I'm staying tonight. The library was closed before I could get there. Tomorrow I'll see if they can help.
If that doesn't work then it's off to Dauphin about 100 miles east of here. That's where the stamp on the document is from.
The ladies told me that in 1924 the area was all forest. The only paths were wagon paths from house to house.
I drove through some very deep valleys to get here as this area is near a mountain range that would have blocked the path for travelers, and still does. On my way home I'll stop and shoot some video of the valleys.
The rest of the trip is all flat farm land that was also thick forest lands. Everywhere!
440 miles of nothing and 60 mph single lane highway.
I'm staying at the Harvest Moon Inn. A very nice place for out here in nowhere land. I have a bedroom and a living room with a couch, tv, fridge, microwave, coffee pot, kitchen sink and two entrences. If anyone ever plans to do this same trip, this is the place to stay.
Until tomorrow everyone!


Denise Groll said...

Hi Phil:
I remember Dad saying something about going up to Togo to find his birthplace and it seems to me that he said something about the place being burned down. I have some notes that I wrote down a while back that I'll try to find, but I probably won't find them before you leave the area :).
Enjoy the trip and if you find a place that you think it is, please take a photo to share.
Safe travels!
Thanks, Denise

Phil said...

I have the document with the exact location in survey markings. I just have to have someone translate them to a map. I have my video cameras along.

Denise Groll said...

HI Phil:

I looked at the notes and I didn't write anything specific about the birth place in Togo. I'll be anxious to hear about your findings.
Thanks, Denise

Denise Groll said...

HI Phil:

I looked at the notes and I didn't write anything specific about the birth place in Togo. I'll be anxious to hear about your findings.
Thanks, Denise