Friday, September 7, 2007

Proud Grandma Brags!!

I just wanted to brag a bit. Seeing that Dazy had a bad day and refused to go to school maybe she would like to know that her cousin Alex starting 6th. grade this year has been asked to move up to 7th. grade math.

Abby Reinke, the school the kids go to, had the highest test scores in the city on the standardized tests they took last spring. Both Alex and Josh were in the 95 to 100 percentile overall.

Josh in 4th. grade now has been chosen to be able to go on a field trip for advanced students to go to the state capital for a day.

Josh is really into Football this fall and Alex has been asked to join a traveling basketball team. So when my jocks are not on the field their noses are in books.

I have to add that Aleesa started kindergarten this year and is going all day to school she is doing great also following in the footsteps of bigger brother and sister. Glad she isn't like Dazy.

Proud Grandma Judy


Janet Gendreau said...

POOR DAZY! The poor little thing gets picked on all the time. All the teachers at Dazy's school know who Dazy is. Dazy thinks "Detention" is an elective class just for
her and a few of her close friends. She truly believes that the teachers look forward
to seeing her every year. They made a special hat for her that spells out all her qualities.
D is for Dazy
U is for ?????
N is for Nice
C is for Cute
E is for Excellent.
Oh, to live in Dazy’s world!??!

Judy Gendreau Vermeulen, CC Editor said...

U must be for Unique!

Kathleen said...

I think U is for Underachiever.
Love, Kathleen

aunt doris said...

i think u could stand for under developed or undeveloped---i havent seen or heard of dazy for so long i thought maybe she left in search of a different planet--we all know how crazy janets planet is--but im glad shes back-aunt dorix said

aunt doris said...

aunt doris said --how about unbelieveable --the apple dont fall far from the tree.

Janet Gendreau said...

I thought I was your favorite???