You have no idea what the first day of school is like in my household.
Little Miss Muffet has all summer long to decide what she was going to wear on the first
day of class and at the very last minutes she thinks she looks too fat and she is not going to school, along with a barrel of tears.
Then, I have to spend the next 10 minutes telling her what a wonderful personality she has and nobody will ever notice what she is wearing. The first day of school is always a creative day and how well I can lie. Caos, that is what the first day of school is like. All the other kids always hope she wins in the battle because if Dazy doesn't go to school then the rest of them aren't going either.
Trying to get them all to the table to eat breakfast is a whole other story. Nobody can have the same cereal. We are all individuals with our own distictive pallet for food.
Why do Mothers want to be Mothers??? Life would be so much easier if was just me!
Dear Dazy,
and all this time I thought you were home-schooled, just like all those other little evangelical kids.....and how old are you now, about 26?
I think it's time that you quit trying to avoid school and just go out and get a honest job, that is, you're even getting too old to turn tricks anymore.......perhaps the local dept. of rehabilitation could retrain you for some honest work.......ever even tried making honey? No, of course not, you've never been good at following the directions of that queen bee, have you? We all know that you like to travel, how about a flight attendant job? And after all those kidnappings that you've participated in, maybe you could get a job on the tv show 24.......or maybe you could become a clairvoyant and help the police find lost or stolen children?
See, there are lots of opportunities for you....and about the fat, perhaps you shouldn't wear those horizontal yellow and black stripes......
love you, Kathleen
Janet -- you should be writing children's books. You're amazing -- although with Dazy's past I don't know if she could be your main character.
Well Dazy can't decide who's side Kathleen is on. She thought after the
trip to the Morman Temple that they bonded but obviously Kathleen doesn't know
....when you go to school you get free room and board!! Why would you want a career??
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