Monday, September 17, 2007

Bill and Kim's 13th Anniversary


Kim Kiecker said...

Tommy even scored a goal for us last night at his soccer game. Right after the game he ran over to us and said, "Happy Anniversary". I asked if he scored for us and he said, "yes"!!!
Thanks for the note.

We are still happily married-- :)

Judy Gendreau Vermeulen, CC Editor said...

Bill said:
Wow, what a great looking couple on the Blog site. I can't believe they have been married for 13 years, they don't seen old enough. :-)

Kathleen said...

Dear Bill and Kim........congratulations and I agree, you don't look old enough......but then Bill and all the Kiecker kids are still just barely out of high school in my aging, feable memories......
May you have at least 50 more happy years together........
Love, Kathleen