Mary was the original editor of this blogg and had started the CC (Cousins Chronicle) in 1992 some 21 years ago. Her aim was to keep the family united and to pass on to our younger generations the heritage that we were given by our parents. It was started to have a reunion of the Schieber/Scheiber clan in 1993. We have had a reunion every 5 years since. Different families have organized it and sometimes it has been a huge affair and other times smaller depending how many of the relatives could come. Her fervant hope was that all of our children would embrace this and use these reunions to meet their cousins and pass on to their families the importance of family. Mary also was very involved with tracing the Family Tree and along with Frank Vermeulen (my wonderful husband) did a lot in reserching and keeping the family tree up to date. We owe her the deepest thanks and I hope you will all keep her and all those that have gone before us in your prayers. I hope they will watch over all of us and guide us as a member of the Schieber/Scheiber clan.
When Mary died her children passed on to me the huge responsibility to keep the CC going, and to take care of keeping the Family Tree alive and up to date. I accept these tasks and will do what I can to pass on to future generations, The true Love Mary had for family. BUT I can only do this with your HELP Phil Schoenecker (Mary's brother) has been helping me with setting me up with the means to continue Mary blogg so we will retain the history of her blogg. He has also helped us narrow down the list of recipients of notices to the family.