Monday, July 15, 2013

Comments from the family

I forget where that picture of Grandma and her sibs was taken? Their home in Winsted, MN? And about how old was she in that photo? It’s one of my favorites too : ]

 Cynthia Wetzel  (granddaughter of Eliazbeth Gendreau

I know that the picture was from Canada but age I am not sure.   Phil do you know the years they were in Canada???   Judy 

Denise Groll asked me to say something about leaving a comment.  Click on the comment or no comment below the article and it should take you to the area where you can leave a comment.  If that doesn't work you can e-mail me.  Judy

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Prayers and Thoughts

For some of us at Mary's funeral we found out that David Scheiber is dealing with Lung Cancer.  He recently had a scan of his head to make sure it hasn't spread.  He is doing Ok so far and receiving treatment.  I know our prayers have worked before and I ask that you Scheiber/Schiebers remember him in your prayers.  I will try and keep you informed of any changes. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Don't know if they had much of a Christmas but they all sure liked getting together for it.   Phil reminded me that because we didn't have a reunion this year maybe you would be interested in CC Christmas party.   It there any interest???? and is there anyone willing to host a gathering????.

Please comment so I know someone is getting this. 


Allison K Hauge 7/1/1987     27
Dale Scheiber 7/3/1955     59
Kennedy Camryn Kiecker 7/5/2000     13
William Donoghue 7/7/1947     67
Kimberly Rae Schieber 7/8/1983     31
Cory Scheiber 7/8/1990     24
Dayton Thomas Ekblad 7/10/1972     42
Carol Stripsky 7/11/1944     70
Patrick Donoghue 7/11/1980     34
Tanner Daniel Podzimek 7/11/1998     16
Darleen Schieber 7/12/1951     62
Timothy Harry Schieber 7/12/1964     49
Ryan Huard 7/12/1971     42
Jesse Steven 7/12/1976     37
Kevin Scott Weimer 7/18/1993     20
Joseph Peter Gendreau 7/18/2005     8
Shirley Ann Schieber 7/20/1951     62
Clide Hauge 7/20/1989     24
Daniel Joseph Podzimek 7/21/1963     50
Sharon Kathryn Ekblad 7/21/1974     39
Ellen Schieber 7/22/1964     49
Lennard Gebhart 7/25/1940     73
Gary Hauge 7/27/1941     72
Allie Caroline Stalboerger 7/28/1997     16
LaVerne Pelava 7/29/1941     72
William Gaul 7/29/1943     70
Deborah Schieber 7/30/1952     61
Jessica Mary Tyler Tyler 7/30/1980     33
Karen Margaret Kiecker- Kays 7/31/1969

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ALL especially the youngest this month Joseph Peter Gendreau great grandson of Elizabeth and Phil Gendreau
  • Age is entered as the next birthday and because I was so late printing this a few of you are a year older I wil try and correct this in the future. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Gendreaus and spouses 2012

This was taken last summer August 2012.  Jim was unable to attend. From left is Art (Sherri) Jean, Judy, June (Len) Jackie and Janet (Randy)

Something New for Our Blog

In the future I don't intend to send out a e-mail every time I add something to the blog.  I probably will only if it is urgent or near the first of the month.  YOU CAN GET EVERY UPDATE  as I publish it if you read this and sign up.  Also note on the Blog there is a spot you can click to ""follow by email"".  I am just learning my way around this and the Family Tree.  Please let me know if you don't like any changes I make. THE COMMENT SECTION AFTER EACH BLOG IS FOR YOU TO USE !!

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Cousin's Chronicle Blog Style

June Birthdays

I promised I would be back with more Birthdays.  I didn't think this was going to be a big job. Hours later I think I have a pretty good list of June Birthdays.  I do have one question WHO is H. Schieber age 42 born on Jun 23 ??????

1-Jun     Mitchell Schoenecker 25
              Jenny Scheiber 56
3-Jun      Michael Scheiber 23
5-Jun      Jacqueline Gendreau Patton 65
7-Jun      Jacob C. Schieber 19
              Michael Huber 40
8-Jun     William Schoenecker 74
10-Jun   Kathleen S Coulillard 66
              Blair T. Tyler 28
11-Jun   June Gendreau Gephart 69
              Ronald Scheiber 46
13-Jun   Ryan J. Schieber 31
16-Jun   Jeremy Kosmach 31
19-Jun   Alexandria L. White 17
21-Jun   Nathanial M. Schoenecker 22
23-Jun   Gentry R. Helgeson 5
              H. Schieber ?? 42
25-Jun   Heather Scheiber 22
              Brian Brisbo 27
27-Jun   James Hines 66
28-Jun   Stephanie R. Schieber 19

Happy Birthday and if you are not on here most likely I don't have you the Family Tree and I need to get your information.  I might mention if I don't have your children e-mails I hope you will forward this to them and send me their addresses.  Thank you.


Monday, June 10, 2013


 I would like to put Birthday Hello's in the CC but it is going to take me a bit of reserch to get them all by going through the family tree.  I will start out with the ones I know.

June 5, was Jackie Patton (Daughter of Phil and Betty Gendreau) 

June 11,  Happy Birthday tomorrow to June Gebhart   (Daughter of Phil and Betty Gendreau)

June 19,  Alex White (Great granddaughter of Phil and Betty Gendreau)   My first grandaughter!!

If I have missed your birthday I am sorry I will update this again soon.

Talking about birthdays. I haven't heard from anyone that they have a child or grandchild born in the last few years.  I need to add them to the Calendar and Family Tree.  Need name, date of birth, and a picture if you have one. 

I just receieved this e-mail this morning.  Sorry folks unless someone else wants to take on the Family Reunion this year or maybe next year?? 


Sorry I haven’t gotten back to you sooner about the family reunion, with everything that happened with the cabin we don’t really have time to put together a family reunion day. Please forgive us but I feel that it would just be too much for us right now. I hope your summer is going good mine hasn’t started yet I still have 3 days of work this week but Thursday my summer will start! Take Care

Annie   ( Mary's daughter )


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Free Advertisments

To the cousins

I gave Mary my video camera to take along and record Debbie's' birthday party in Vegas. This is one of the last videos Mary shot. I've edited the video and shortened it up to being just 15 minutes. If you wish to see some of the fun they had, I'm selling copies for $10. This will include the shipping.

Send a check to me with your address and I’ll send out a copy.

I'm at:

Phil Schoenecker
401 E Burnsville Parkway #136
Burnsville, MN 55337

Friday, May 31, 2013

Mary was the original editor of this blogg and had started the CC (Cousins Chronicle) in 1992 some 21 years ago.  Her aim was to keep the family united and to pass on to our younger generations the heritage that we were given by our parents.  It was started to have a reunion of the Schieber/Scheiber clan in 1993.  We have had a reunion every 5 years since.  Different families have organized it and sometimes it has been a huge affair and other times smaller depending how many of the relatives could come.  Her fervant hope was that all of our children would embrace this and use these reunions to meet their cousins and pass on to their families  the importance of family.  Mary also was very involved with tracing the Family Tree and along with Frank Vermeulen (my wonderful husband) did a lot in reserching and keeping the family tree up to date. We owe her the deepest thanks and I hope you will all keep her and all those that have gone before us in your prayers.  I hope they will watch over all of us and guide us as a member of the Schieber/Scheiber clan.

When Mary died her children passed on to me the huge responsibility to keep the CC going, and to take care of  keeping the Family Tree alive and up to date.  I accept these tasks and will do what I can to pass on to future generations, The true Love Mary had for family.  BUT I can only do this with your HELP    Phil Schoenecker (Mary's brother) has been helping me with setting me up with the means to continue Mary blogg so we will retain the history of her blogg.  He has also helped us narrow down the list of recipients of  notices to the family.