Saturday, April 2, 2011

Another Date to Remember

Matt Patton's wedding is Nov. 5th. And also John and Flo's 51th Wedding Anniversary. Annie (Uncle John's daughter) is having a breakfast at "Little slice of Italy" for them with a cake, on Sunday morning. This will be our family Cousins Christmas. Hopefully no snow.  Instead of White Elephant, bring a gag gift for John and Flo.....or white elephant.  All those that came for the wedding can stay in the Menominee or Eau Claire.  Annie's restaurant is in Colfax, WI and within a few miles of either town.

Please pass the word on both of these Fall parties and chances for the cousins to celebrate.

Oct. 22 Joe's, Athens, GA and Nov. 5, Eau Claire and Colfax, WI.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Save the Date!

Joe Schieber is turning 70 this fall, and Sandi would like to host a party at their home in Athens, GA.  The date will be Oct.22.  So please start making plans to attend.  cc