Saturday, March 27, 2010

Home Again, Home Again Jiggety Jig!

Hi All, just a note to thank everyone for the well-wishes for the trip and let you know I'm home safe and sound. Yesterday started at 4:30 am and didn't get to bed till 9:00 pm. The bed felt so good, I was there till 9:00 am this morning.
Trip was great weather, timing was perfect. Texas and Louisiana was still widening the roads from the snow the day before. MN, however, was no snow and warm sunshine. Had a nice tail wind both coming east on I-10 and going north on I-35. That is very fortunate in this 'high profile' MH.
Gotta get busy with my rounds for today, a big thanks for all the emails this winter, and support from all my loved ones, Cheers for summer, Jeanie

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Linda Donoghue adds tag line to Concordia Logo

Hi Linda,

I wanted to send you a note to let you know that your speech at graduation continues to inspire people, and is being used as a motivational tool by the President’s Office. I was at our mid-year planning conference a few weeks ago and it was announced that we wanted to change our university tag line from “Higher Learning. Greater Rewards” to something to do with inspiration. After all, inspiring people is what we’re all about. The President showed your graduation speech as an example of what we’re trying to accomplish in our student body. After some work, we have adopted a new logo and new tagline (see attached) which will be rolled out shortly.

Just thought you’d like to know that people were deeply impressed with your speech and that it has resonated with the leadership of our university. Thanks for choosing Concordia and for being a part of our university.


Congrats Linda!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

On the Road Again!

Hi All, Got on the road shortly before noon today and got to the Flying J near Tucson. This is where I take care of all the tanks, see that some are emty and others are full, so that the only stops from here to home are for gas and rest. I'm keeping an eye on, there is a snow storm moving from the rockies eastward. Hopefully, I can miss it or atleast see only the backend of it. Not that I'm anxious to see snow, but still hope to see Mark on Sat.
I stopped at the farmer's stand and picked up a stash of grapefruit, dates, limes, and honey. No comparrison to the shipped-in stuff in MN. Hope everyone is doing well, see ya soon, love, Jeanie

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Hi All, I am still in Yuma because of a tangle with a steel post and the last few inches of the passenger side rear end, late Monday afternoon. It looked like a small patchup job to me, but CJ's RV Repair pointed out to me the extent of the damages, to the tune of upwards of $3000 with 30 hours labor. Of course, multiple things are involved, structural both vertical and horizontal steel, layers of insulation and fiberglass, electrical, etc. First thing I did was call my insurance agent, who set up the claim and arranged for an adjuster. CJ's has hooked me up to electric and is actually starting work this morning, Wednesday. The boss told me they hope to have me done by the weekend. I'll be amazed if it's done by middle of next week, everything is on the slow side down here in the south.

If all goes well, I might still get home in time to say good-bye to Mark on the 27th, I'm hoping. Meanwhile, I'm hanging out in the RV repair lot, staying in my RV with electric hookup, which means I can watch tv for as long as I want. I unhooked my bike and am out wandering around this end of town. The weather is getting hot, up to 90 today with lots of sun.

I'll post a note when they finish with me here, until then, cheers, love, Jeanie/Mom/Grandma