Sunday, September 27, 2009

Furneral Arrangements

The funeral will be Wednesday, September 30. 10 a.m. reviewal and 11 a.m. service. It will be held at the First Memorial Funeral Home at 7110 France Ave. So. Phone number is 952.924.4100

Saturday, September 26, 2009

This Great Lady Died Today at 4:02 9/26/09

Just a note to let you know Doris made it through the nite, but around 4:30 a.m. her breathing became more labored and she is sleeping more and talking less when she is aroused for medication. They have up'd the dosage of her meds as she seemed to be in more pain. They worked in shifts for meds, all nite and Tina was even able to get some it is progressing toward the end, but not just yet! I'll let you all know as soon as I know anything. m

Friday, September 25, 2009

Aunt Doris

I am so sorry to tell you that Aunt Doris is in the hospital bleeding internally from a tear in her heart. She has opted not to have surgery and probably will not make it through the day. She is on morphine and resting comfortably. Regina Hospital in Hastings. Janet and I will be going there shortly and will try to keep you all posted.