Saturday, June 13, 2009

News from Portage, Wisconsin

Hi Mary
I hope you are having a good late Spring as summer isn't here yet. Will it ever get warm?
John's eye surgery seems to be going good. He can see light - all he will be able to see will be light and shadows but that is a improvement over nothing. This surgery was less painful. It was about 3 hours long. His mood seems better. He is doing his gardening - we have hanging planters! - hope we will have some strawberries soon. We should have about 3 or 4! The deer ate the rest - holpe they enjoyed them. My knee is doing well - almost full range and little pain. I can drive again so we are once more mobile. John only drives around town as his perception is poor. Thank God for our daughter-in-law and neighbers as volunteer drivers.
Take care and have a good summer.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Golfers Needed


If Lloyd is looking for someone to fill out a foursome I would be willing to golf in the event. Let me know.


This is John Bandemer (June's son)