Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Update on Uncle John

I thought I would let you know that John"s catotid artery repair went well. The Dr. put in a stent and all was well with that. He is having some problems with low blood pressure but that is not un common with this . He stayed overnight but is able to monitor his pressure at home so came home today.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

William is 6 today!

Happy Birthday William....William is 6 today! Hurrah!!! Love Grandma

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Prayers Requested!

Your Uncle John is having carotid artery surgery on Monday the 13th. The doctors are going to try a stent. If they can't do that, he will have the actual surgery when it can be scheduled. We're hoping we can still get to June's wedding but that all depends on the outcome on Monday. I'm going to have some varicose vein surgery the 21st. Then, I'm to have a knee replacement sometime but have to grt the veins done first. Always something ! As they say - these Golden Years! Hope to get to the wedding. Take care
Love, Uncle John and Aunt Florence

Sunday, October 5, 2008

MY BABY is 40 Happy Birthday JIMBO

Love you so much, and thank you for all you have done for me this last year! mom

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Update on June's Fire

OK They are starting the cleaning process downstairs, everything has to be packed up and washed or cleaned, before it goes back into the house. It has to be done that way so that is it garenteed. This is all Brenda's things. She won't be allowed back in until they gut the upstairs and have all the burn't stuff out and washed the studs and repainted with a smoke retard. Depending on whether they have to replace the roof. Then the reinsulating, and sheetrocking. They are taking inventory now, they can only save things that are metal, that can be cleaned. Otherwise the work won't be garenteed. She will have Mom's China cleaned professionally, and a few other things, otherwise it is a total loss.

She does have replacement insurance, so she feels that she should be ok. They are renting a house, and renting the furniture that they will need. Beds table and chairs, TV couch, and so on. They are giving her a date of 4 mo. before she will get back in. If everything goes well. The insurance pays for the rental.
She will have to go shopping to replace everything, once the inventory is over. I'm sure thats really going to hurt her feelings LOL. You know how June hates to shop. NOT(smiling)

Everything is still on for the Blessing of the wedding on Oct. 18th ALL are welcome. This will take place at St Gregory's Catholic Church in North Branch, 2 pm. Lunchoen will follow at the Legion Club. Also in North Branch. She will be signed up at the Registry at Target under June & Len Gebhart.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Do You Know Who These Little Girls Are?

I found this picture that someone gave me a few years ago....so long I don't remember who it was....maybe Joe and Sandi???....maybe not!....anyway does anyone recognize them and give me more information? m