Saturday, February 23, 2008

Earthquake in the Dessert

hi all, Big news - earthquaks hitting desert area. the news last night stated a quake of 4.7 hit about 70 mi's from where i am, in the calexico area, yesterday mid-day. it was the 3rd one i have felt this year. it gave a hard rock to the mh for a few seconds. they said there have been 12 in the last month in this area. it doesn't seem to be a big deal to these people, they're all waiting for the BIG ONE since 1925.

mark mentioned he would like to see pictures of wild flowers, so will be including them. the cactus blooms will be a while yet, maybe not before i leave.

i hear there was a thaw in MN, hope you all warmed up. love, jmp

More from Jeannie

hi all, how wonderful it is to be back to the resevoir. it has filled up a lot, must be melting up north but not in MN as i hear. you have no idea how much i look forward to hearing all the news from back there!! even the weather.

after rain today, it is supposed to be high 70's and into the 80's this next week. i can handle this for a while yet. when i got here yesterday, i opened a beer and sat in the sun and read, then went for a hike. my new site looks out to the resevoir in the front and my side view is a huge wash area. it's the most scenic site i've ever been at.

i heard from trish and got the address and dates of opening for the "knick-knack paddey-wack" antique store. opening is march 13-16th 9:00-6:00 and 10:00-5:00 on sunday. after that they will be open the 2nd full weekend of the month starting on thursday. address is 204 central ave in osseo on second floor next to lily's wine bar.

i snapped this picture when i got back yesterday and there is another to come of a new friend, kind of on the handsome side. jmp
Everyone is welcome to submit information to the blog....just email me at

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jeannie lucked out!

hi all, lucked out with only minor repairs and am real happy i found some real experts. the problem with the transmission was a dented bottom pan and filter that held up a valve and maybe the oil line. this may have been because of damage in freight when the new one was put in or maybe i hit bottom somewhere. anyway, the parts were paid for and i had to pay $75 in labor and those troubles should be done!!

after i get the generator oil changed tomorrow, i'll be finally heading back to the resevoir. it is near the imperial dam on the colorado river, but right now the water is way low. it won't be long and the river won't have any water left when it gets down here.

the good news is that the desert is starting to bloom. the little purple spring flowers are starting to show plus the yellow daisy type flower. some bushes are blooming, but no cactus blooms yet. more and more hummers are showing up and it all makes hiking more enjoyable.

i hear there is record cold there, i can't tell you how fortunate i feel to be out here this year. i hope everyone stays warm and well, and try to warm it up a little before i come back 1st of april. love, jmp

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Transmission AGAIN?

hi all, it's been another interesting week in the sagga of the motorhome travel in the sw.

ran the new generator the required hours before the first oil change. i got all set to do the deed and found i didn't have a screwdriver bit that would fit the screws to get a cover plate off. i checked around with some neighboring campers and found an ex-marine(jar head) who said he has every tool, even keeps an extra trailer for a work shed. nothing fit, called sean, the onan service man, and found out it's a onan special tool. fine, so i had to come into town to get the oil changed. i'm going to get him to change the screws or leave the plate off.

as long as i'm in town, gotta tend to laundry, get itaska washed, shopping, go out to the organic farmer, take in a movie.

first thing i did was laundry and when i tried to leave, the TRANSMITION WOULD NOT ENGAGE. i could not believe it, turned it off and on a few times, nothing. called my roadsideassistance and tried it one more time and it engaged. it was sunday, so nobody open. called the tranny installer in kansas on monday and he gave me 3 phone #'s in yuma area. called the first one and took the mh over. they were going to check it out on the computer, but couldn't figure where to plug it in. they did a test drive instead and said it was running good, and suggested i drive it around a few days to see if it happens again.

ok, i couldn't get into the generator place today, so went out to the farm and loaded up. i went to gas up and had to wait in line for other mh's to get done. turned off the engine and when i wanted to go, the TRANSMITION WOULD NOT ENGAGE again. i definitely was not going back to the first place, called the second # and they could take me in. it did engage after a few minute wait and i am now parked overnight in another transmission establishment's yard for overnight (a familiar place). this one has orange and grapefruit trees and warm sunshine. they called the installer in kansas to get some background and set me up for morning.

atleast it happened when i'm already in town, and i really don't have a tight schedule to meet. hope you're all warm and hanging in there. jmp

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Jeannie Arrives at Resevoir!

can't believe i have service here with both phone and internet. just got to the BLM resevoir long time visitors camping area. on my way in, i was treated to watching the golden knights parachute troups landing at the yuma proving grounds. the skies are clear blue and the temp went up to 80 this afternoon. as soon as i parked, i had to shed the long pants and sweat shirt. i really lucked out and found a site overlooking the resevoir with a ravine to my door side, which is the south side for maximum solar, and the nearest neighbor is about 200 yards away. just the way i like it, some people, but not too close, and high enough for good drainage. it's pretty much surrounded by mountains, in fact, the castle dome mountain range is directly out my front window. that's the one i made a cross-stitch of a long time ago. as long as i have service here, and they have dumping and water here also, i may just stay here till my groceries dwindle. i probably will have to go see mike the organic vegetable farmer who is just a few miles from here in the dome valley and stock up. i'm making vegetable juice every other day but my juicer is showing signs of wearing out. this should be a great place for hiking, took a hike down to the resevoir and it was a bit of a strain getting back up the hill. had a few days off, takes a toll. the sun is setting and it is getting dark here, but is still shining on the mountains in the distance - this is so scenic.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Family Reunion Weekend of July 12-13th

Jenny and David will host this years Family Reunion the weekend of July 12 & 13 at their home in Becker, MN (only about 1 hour out of Mpls).
Jim Spence (Jim and Christine's son) has suggested that we honor Mary Jindrich (a star pitcher for a women's softball team that went to state tournament often over the years) who passed away this last November, by renaming the Softball Tournament the Mary Jindrich Memorial softball tournament. I think this is such a great idea. Mary was David's sister as well.
Barb and Dale have offered their help both physically and monetarially. Anyone else willing to help with any part of the Reunion, please let me know. David and Jenny can use all the help and ideas, muscle, money etc. you have to offer.
They will have camping space available but no hookups. Hayrides through the woods and sodfields will also be given. I will be looking up other arrangements for hotels etc. But they are close to Monticello, Becker and Big Lake. Email me with questions, offers of help etc.

Help Needed!
Jim Spense (jr.) and his wife have been approved to adoption, and would appreciate it if anyone knows of someone interested in giving their baby up for adoption, would notifiy them. I will forward thier contact information to any one interested, or I'm sure Jim and Christine would help you out in that matter as well.

My surgery is scheduled for Feb. 12th to have my ileostomy reversed. Hurrah! If you'd like to follow my progress....I have my own blog for that:

I'm going to send out a new CC by mail for all those not on the internet later this week. Let me know if you want your's electronically.