Monday, December 10, 2007

Party Pictures from Kim Weimer

Here is the link to some of our photos from the Schieber Cousins Christmas party last night, 12/8. Click on the link below. Click on "slideshow" on the upper right side of the page. If the title/descriptions to not appear during the slideshow on the bottom of the right side of the page is an "options" button. Click on that and then check the box that say's "show titles/descriptions"

Merry Christmas!

Kim Weimer

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Special Birthday Celebrations

Happy Birthday Jack Kiecker, Jack turned 15 today as he shares his birthday with Aunt Millie. He is my oldrest grandchild and is pictured here with cousin Nicole or "Colie".

Happy "90th" Birthday Millie,
Photo taken last year for her 89th birthday. From left, Gene, Denise, me, Millie, Debbie, Pat, Dar and Butch, having lunch at David Fongs. Millie is the only Schieber to attain 90. So there is hope for the rest of us!!! m